He will do his finisher five-six times and but doesnt the Max G Abilities makes its G Abilities max right then how does it give it Infinite Jump...?? :S
yea same here im waiting for Part 4 XD
exactky it can use limits ^^ and yea sure here they are
well ive uploaded the vid if you want u can check the vid or play with the code yourslef first ive added the Explosion Ability in it and second it can use Magic and third it cant use limist and also probably summon too......
yeah looks like it ^^
Hmmm i doubt sicne when you drive into Final te two members dissapear and i cant check in the Emu cause the code Sora can drive without party members and also Party members dont dissapear while driving code dont work in EMu so yea ^^
Spoiler hmm so which of the line is the Status Mod.....??
lol yea you have to hold R2 and chnage areas ^^
1.You play as Roxas and he can do everything except RC so if you want you can activate the Roxas can do RC with it oh and also don t use magic since that will T-stance Roxas so yea 2.You have to Drive into Final Form to Turn into DW Sora 3.Before the Transformations Ends A.K.A when Roxas is about to become Sora "JUMP" that way Sora wont T-Stance 4.Before changing areas turn back to Roxas otherwise Sora will be T-Stanced in the next Area Credits to Sora_101 and Aurangzeb56 : Code: 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 0000000A 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 1032F01C 0000???? ---- UCM 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 20191C70 00000000 21C6C948 0F0F0101 201C9A80 0000102D
11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 0000000A 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 1032F01C 0000???? ---- UCM 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 20191C70 00000000 21C6C948 0F0F0101 201C9A80 0000102D
Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style E002FDFF 0035B55C 01CB9736 00000002 21CB973C 09020000
Hmmm anyway here upgraded the code but you have to drive into Final to become DW Sora and he can also use magic NOTE:change back to Roxas when changing areas or else he will T-Stance: Code: 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 0000000A 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 1032F01C 0000???? ----[B] UCM[/B] 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 20191C70 00000000 21C6C948 0F0F0101 201C9A80 0000102D Video Coming Soon ^^
11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 0000000A 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 1032F01C 0000???? ----[B] UCM[/B] 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 20191C70 00000000 21C6C948 0F0F0101 201C9A80 0000102D
yup same here im not an expert with Hex Editing ^^"
you mean Xaldin right........
lol yup but well anywahy here i upgrade the old code now this Sora can also cast magic ^^ but hey it resembles with my old one since you have to drive into final for him to use magic as for when chnaging areas change back to roxas ^^" : 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 21CD51D0 00000000 01C9553F 0000000A 20191C70 00000000 2032EF0C 80528106 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1C 81108111 2032EF20 8237810F 2032EF22 810A8230 2032F01C 0000002A 21c6c93c 05050505 21c6c940 00000005 201C9A80 0000102D
Hm no i don thitnk thats possible or try what Roxas or Evil said when you are going into the fight in the middle of the cutscene/movie press the joker to activgate the code and then youll most probably fight that boss in the are you chose but as you know the Room Mod hasnt been made for Days .......YET ^^ Hm but as far as i knw i tried replacing Axels model with Xions by Rom Hacking and it didnt worked since the first stage (tutorial) when you go with Roxas to do the task hes still axel noty Xion so yea ^^"
Yeah thats supposed to happen since you cant make Roxas move while attaching like Mickey does since its not his original moveset its a hack that makes Roxas moves act like Mickey so yea if you want to attack/hit enemy you have to go close to him and then hit him so yea
lol u mean Dark Aura well yea its possible using Animod but sry i dont know how to do that so yea ^^"
lol only hackers can break that code down since they made it ^^"
the Raw format e.g: XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX are use for both Codebreaker and gameshark ^^
lol no thats not it it only has four Keyblades because you take two keyblades from Roxas when you do the RC ^^"