*sees Silver_Bullet and a pterodactyl at Timmy's* wha- bu- wai- hol- waita- hmm- wabba- jabba- omgwhat'sapterodactyldoingattimmys?!
this could possibly mean FF13 on the Wii? i'm loving this so far... when i can probably get it some S-E titles will come.
Well Goimez... My brother took over the computer and Roxllen's probably digging through his files searching for a pic to post i guess that's my hello... 18070
17989 Got to go... see you all tomorrow!
I actually use these cheats at the beggining of the game so i don't care much, besides, i have a second blue EDIT: in case anyone is reading this I KNOW WHAT MISSINGNO IS! THIS IS NOT IT!
I have yet to find a catch trainer's pokemon code to find out what these things do
New glitch trainer sends out 94 (as seen in first post)
you don't know how many times i've clicked that... people can't stop sending the link
Mind explaining this? the pokemon has the cry of a Golduck and has a broken health bar It froze the game upon attacking
0_o indeed Roxllen
this one is actually 94 I know about Missingno tis one freezes upon defeating this one looks like it should be censored...
naw, having too much fun glitching crap up now all i need is a catch trainer's pokemon code and i can see what this really does
New glitch: No cry and i haven't dared capturing it... code for it is 01F1D8CF
17986 I wish we had fox smileys... PLEASE POST PEOPLE!
A STORK BRINGS THEM! "bu-" STORK! (lawl, but where does a stork get them?) ah... YGO TAS version... Playing card games is a lot like making love. You usually do it on a table, and you always feel deep shame when its over. Also, the older you are, the less fun it gets So remember: always wear a condom while playing card games
exactly. *joins gamefreak103 in shooting* :guns: :guns3: :guns2: :guns4:
I AM KIRA!!! WHEEE!!! (does Kira say whee) 17983
Boredom makes you do random destructive things... with sharp things...
what the hell was i smoking when i posted that... oh yeah... weed... (j/k)