OOC: =P It's 12:45 AM here. And, Hi Chula-Claire!
OOC: I haven't posted on here in like, two days. Dx Sorry. I got some bubble gum, and I swear I'm accidentally going to fall asleep and forget to take it out of my mouth. xD BIC: After she watched the last speck of darkness fade, she looked back to where everyone else was. She smirked as she saw the familiar midnight blue color over her left eye. 'So it was all a trick...' she thought. 'Man, how could I fall for that?.. It's just so stupid...' Instead of going back to where the others were, she portalled to the roof of the castle. Sitting on the edge of the roof behind the castle, she noticed a beach off in the distance. 'I don't remember that being there before... Oh well.' she thought.
Since Axel had diverted his attention to Larpex, Marina portalled to the location of that shadow she had seen. "You little dumbass. I haven't fallen for all of your tricks." "Tricks? whet could you mean?" "It may seem that I am Marina, but I'm not. Marina wasn't able to use the Darkness. Or any other powers." "Smart..." "Stop this, damn it!" She heard laughter, and something forced her to the ground. 'A Neoshadow..?' she wondered, as she saw what it was. "Hah, That's what I am. I took the form of your shadow. " it said, and attacked her again. She guarded just in time, using Xinaram's weapon. She slashed at it, and watched as it flew into a nearby tree. Pinning it to the tree with both weapons, she asked, "So, was this whole thing just a trick?" It dissapeared in a puddle of darkness underneath her, and soon she was the one being pinned to the tree. "You're getting angry... " "What's that have to do with anything?" She demanded, before pushing away from the tree, and jumping over the Heartless. "Nobodies cannot feel, can they? " It asked. "For all I know, these emotions are just another trick!" She said. "Hahah, for all you know, everything's a trick. An illusion of some sort. " "Argh... You... Just die!" she yelled, slashing at the Neoshadow. It dissapeared in a puff of darkness. 'Why didn't I do that sooner... ' she thought, 'Wait... Am I ever going to change back? I still look like Marina... ' OOC: left unfinished, because I don't feel like finishing tonight. 10:30 P.M. where I live. Marina's heartless is a very evil Neoshadow. xD (When I said she yelled, she was so deep in the forest that no one could hear her. >.>)
"Not at all. I don't even know what it is." she replied. "Rei..." 'Rei, you can hardly stand. I can handle this...' She started to feel weary... "D*mnit..." she whispered. 'You have the worst timing...' "Fine then, should I come back later?" 'That would be nice.' She heard something coming from where the eyes were. Looking, she saw that what was obviously the shadow was gone. She sighed. Marina messaged Larpex. 'Rei isn't doing that well. Can you get here and help?' She felt sort of strange doing Xin's job for her, even though she basically was Xinaram.
OOC: Deathsight, I think I'll be dead by the time your plot becomes clear. xD
OOC: Now I understand, =D.
OMG. Can I be Daisuke? And Satoshi? I love D.N.Angel.
OOC: I have never seen that before. o.o And I don't understand half of it anyway. My brain's still off, lol. (My friend had a little message on a whiteboard in her room when summer started. it said, "Summer's here! Time to turn off your brain or take your thinking cap off!") >.> Now I feel stupid. (Oh I just got an idea. Nevermind.)
OOC: What Marina means by her "own Heartless", is the one that holds her heart. Or the one that was created when her heart was stolen. IC: "I don't know what happened. I know there is this voice, it takes the form of a shadow of me. And last time I spoke with it, it said that it holds my heart." She looked off to the side, to see a pair of glowing eyes somewhere deep in the forest. 'Is it that shadow..?' OOC: I'm going to find a new, funnier avatar. lol.
OOC: You guys obviously haven't read the untold story, lmao. This is why Xemnas cried. Part one Part two Part three, Lol.
"I, or Xin, was fighting Heartless, and suddendly blacked out. When she awoke, she was me, and it was in my hometown, but it turned out to be some sort of dream. What I think happened is she ran into my own Heartless. I'm not sure." she answered.
"I... I don't either..." she said. OOC: There would be more to this post, but I can't think of anything. o.o
OOC: :/ Don't be such a pessimist. On the subject of Axel's real name... xD click.
"You're right, I'm not Xinaram." She said simply. The weapon she had thrown dissapeared, just to be resummoned in her empty hand. OOC: I'm home early from school 'cause I had a really bad stomachache. Yay.
Can I be Silver? =P Telekinesis is fun.
o.o Good point. xD
o.o That sucks. I'm seriously hoping to get mine within the next year, because I really need them. I have 9 crooked teeth that I can count, lol.
OOC: All of the posts after my last post happened after my last post, lol. IC: 'Rei, I'll handle the rest. You're hurt.' Marina's voice was different from Xinaram's, and slightly unfamiliar to Rei, although they seemed like the same person. Literally, they were the same person. She threw one weapon at Larxene, basically just waiting to see what she would do.
OOC: Look back at my last post
'No, not now!' Xin thought as she started to feel tired. The pain was coming back... But it was different. This time, the pain repetitively coursed throughout her body, like a pulse. And she could feel herself fading, being replaced... "Not now!" She whispered, and ran. As fast as she could. Not having a destination, just away. She had run a long way before she fell, starting to lose conciousness. Before she did, she made sure she was far enough away so that they couldn't see her. She awoke in a dream, in a totally black place. Nothing was around her exept for a shadow, in the form of her. "Get up." the voice said. Xin slowly stood up. "Do you see the shadow?" "There's not much else to see." "True. Getting to the point, you wanted to know who I am. "And?" "Here I am. The shadow. "But how would you be able to get me my heart back?" "Because I hold it. " Her eyes blinked open. She rushed to her feet, but before realizing she was Marina. She picked up Xinaram's weapons and ran back to Reixa. 'You wanted to see how I looked, I guess now you can.' she messaged. Somehow, it seemed that the powers she didn't have as Xin, she had as Marina. 'Don't even ask, Rei, I don't know the answer.'