"I'm not going to say it...", he said, "Because I can tell you already realize." He stood and looked over at her. "But... Why? Why would you do that?" OOC: If you couldn't guess, he means realize what she did was wrong. Man, I'm having a hard time thinking what to write. xD o.o sorry, I was busy watching this, and my friend called me.
Xadyn nodded and closed the door all of the way. OOC: Short post alert! ZOMG, sound the alarm! >.> sorry, still high.
OOC: I'm going to assme you can post whenever you want. =3
Can I be Sora? =3
"No," he whispered back. Walking forward, he opened the door, giving Rei a concerned look as he asked, "What happened?" pushing the door half-shut behind him. OOC: Great, I can't go outside, and I think I'm getting Writer's Block. I'm going to be bored all day.
Xadyn appeared behind them. (OOC: He sure does seem to appear randomly...) "Stop." He ordered. "Just leave her alone."
OOC: You forget about meeeee. >.> Sorryy. Being tired and high - Especially dangerous. To those around you, they might lose there sanity to how annoying you are while being high.
OOC:... Omg. >.> lol, Don't ask. Maybe I am high. xD On... Coke? lmao. and, dude, I mean the soda. Not the drug.
OOC: OMGWTFBBQ. ROTFLMAOOL. I must be high or something... xD
"Damn it, Cepxis, stop!" She yelled. Her vision was starting to blur as she got weaker and weaker, her energy seemed only to be leaving faster. 'Stop it,' she said telepathicly, 'or I swear to God I'll f***ing force you to!' She fell as he struck her shoulder, but quickly got up and collected the orbs that she could. Striking him as hard as she could in his back with both clubs, she collected the few orbs that fell. She then proceded to strike him relentlessly, using what energy she had left. When the buzzer sounded, her orb count was 132. 'Ugh...'she thought, 'I feel ready to faint...'
>.> Lol. Hello.
He's usually a day or two late, but it has been about a week. >.> 29770
Leave out all the rest - Linkin Park
Do any of you see my posts on here? ... Besides this one? xD
Omg, I think my eyes are bleeding from all the sparkles. x.x Other than that, nice animation. =3
The people who are ******ed are the people who were posting comments that I will not quote here for overuse of foul language. =3 I could imagine doing that... In my backyard. xD
ooc: The RP arena hasn't been that active today...
OOC: o.o ... I don't know how to start... XD.
Name: Fioh (Fee-oh) Age(has to atleast be 10): 14 apperance: other: She started her pokemon journey about half a year ago, and she started with an Absol that her family gave her. Her team now includes a level 38 Absol, a level 31 Totodile, and a level 27 Luxio. (I don't like Totodile's evolved forms. xD) Can I have a recap? And how did Kairi, Sora, Riku, and Roxas get in the Pokemon world?