o.o Good point.
>.> If everyone wants this to be locked, why hasn't it been locked?
OOC: Uhh.. I know this! Uhh... Wonderland? [/joke]
xD If swordser ever went on someone else's computer and saw this, she'd think it was true. Then she'd create her 9001st account saying, "ZOMG, IM SWRDSR NO IM FH!!!!!!" with twice the spelling and grammatical errors. Then I'd facepalm, laughing.
>_> I second that. xD LMAO.
>.> LMAO. [Zomg, fillers]
Exaggeration. =P She had like, five accounts. Just trying to read Swordser's posts insults me. I typed much better than that last year. (Is 12)
Aww, crap. Swordser becoming a FH? I think I'm going to die. This is a joke, Sworder's banned, her usernames (all 500 of them) are still red. And, I think we all knew it was a joke from the begining, LMAO, and it's been said like, one hundred million times.
*adds* It is now. =3
Playing KH2, I've completed most of the game (in Expert mode) Using only the Kingdom Key. I haven't finished it because of school. Yeah, that's all. I'm such a wimp when it comes to video games, xD
I like the Kingdom Key. But my second favorite is Oathkeeper.
I don't really think I could care less about this. >_> And I mean it. People have always been selfish, and if we don't learn to share, it's going to envoke the end of the friggin' world. Can't share money, oil, land... Anything. Who the hell needs oil, anyway? They didn't need it 150 years ago before cars were invented. We lived without it before, we seriously don't need to be killing eachother over it today. If us fighting over it doesn't, the oil itself will kill the world, with all the pollution it's caused. But that's a whole different subject, and another one I really don't care much for... War really is inevitable, hell, at the rate we're going now, World War III will soon be on the subject. All the countries fighting over oil, with the added bonus of nuclear weapons, the whole world might as well be a nuclear wasteland. ...Boy, do I have a positive outlook on things? xD
It's probably just your computer. My computer does that a lot. My computer sucks x.x
"Sure, Tails. That'd be great!" he responded. OOC: I can't think. x.x I hope I get my hair cut soon. I keep getting distracted by it. *offtopic'd*
>.< This makes me want to post a pic of me on here. >_> But I'm still not going to. =D cool.
OOC: I have an idea! BIC: An absol ran up to a boy with silver hair, and a girl with dark red hair. "Absol!" Another girl called. "Where'd you run off to!" Fioh ran up to Absol, spotting his silver fur. "Oh, there you are!" she said to it. "Stop running off like that!" "Absol! Absol." It replied. Looking to the two people in front of them(reffereing to Kairi and Riku), she said, "Hi, who are you? I'm Fioh."
OOC: Lol at that last post, Chula Claire. ... 'Zoom, now I'm over here' xD
OOC: I somehow feel that it is all my fault that everyone's leaving. -.- BIC: 'Rei,' He said to her, telepathicly, 'He wants to speak with you.' He opened a portal to Reixa's room behind him. Turning, he stepped through it. He looked back at Axel with a face that read, "Well?" OOC: >_> This post sucks.
OOC: >.> Sorry. BIC: Sighing, Xadyn closed his eyes. A swirl of darkness surrounded him as he apeared before Axel. "Hello..." he said, in a relaxed tone.
"Try to calm down," he said, noticing her shaky breaths. "So... He doesn't remember anything about it?"