OOC: >.> lala seems somewhat like Swordser. ... (Suspicions at 36%) xD You'd have to watch Death Note to get that. xD No Telekinesis, that's Xin's ability. D= BIC: Xin closed her eyes and walked out of the sandlot, and straight to Sunset Station. (OOC: Sunset station... xDDD) There, she got a ticket to ride one of the many trains. One train was blue, with yellow stars speckled all over it. She wasn't looking for that one. Another strange train was basically just... There. It was very dark colored, so dark you couldn't really tell if it was dark or light. The path it rode was even darker. Always curious about it, she boarded. She didn't even know why, but she got a "feeling" that she had to. As a Somebody, she always had these "Feelings". Every day, but she was never able to follow them. They always led to somewhere she was unable to go. As the train silently rolled across the track, she almost "felt" afraid. 'Why is this', she kept asking herself, but no answer came. But somehow, she knew she was getting closer and closer to the answer. 'Rei,' she called telepathicly 'Where are you right now?' When the train stopped, she found herself in a city much like Shouded City at night. Then she looked up and saw it. Kingdom Hearts. Pulling her hood up, she looked back. 'Heh, so that's where that train goes...'
^^ Thanks. Leave Out All the Rest is my total favorite song.
"You can go, but I'm going to stay a little bit longer." she said, staring towards the station tower.
OOC: xD Alright, I thought of something. ...But I don't feel like typing it right now.
You have to make that for a school project? Lmao. o.o hey, you want to know something weird? Reixa was in a dream I had last night. Lol, fictional characters are always in my dreams xD.
Name: Korima Age: 15 Gender: Girl Appearance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi130.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fp279%2FTerra_chan_sees_white_people%2Fblack%2520haired%2520girls%2F1341203586_l.jpg&searchterm=black%20haired%20girl Weapon(s): A large sword carried on her back and a few knives. Elements(up to 2 elements): Fire and Air Good or Evil: She's sort of neutral, but leaning more towards Evil. History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"): On Earth, she lived on a small Island with a few other people, and wentt to an Elemental School where she lived with the other kids on the Island, mastering the elements Fire and Air. She was learning other elements, but the land was destroyed before she mastered them. (So she knows a little Water, Earth, and Darkness, but doesn't use them much.) Pet(optional): A dark grey wolf with black on it's legs and back. Although Korima doesn't care if herself dies, the wolf does, and keeps her from doing anything... Stupid. He seems to be able to understand anything she says, and some citizens who have seen it say they see some sort of black aura around it. Text Color Details. xP
...Why did you think this goes in the Role-Playing Arena? Wouldn't it go in the Art & Graphics place? >.> I'd try to help, but I don't understand the question. If you need Gifs, there are about three people (that I know of) who have made threads about that in the Art & Graphics section who can help you.
On the weekend, my bedtime is whenever the h*ll I want it to be unless anyone finds out. LMAO. On school days it's just 9:00 and I'm fine with that.
OOC: Living in southern Nevada, I've actually met people who don't believe in Area 51. I personally don't give a crap, unless it affects me and my ability to go wherever I want when I'm 14. That's all I really want, is to be able to go wherever I want, lol. Having an overprotective mom when you're someone like me sucks. LMAO, My mom came into my room and asked what I was doing on my computer, so I told her I searched Death Note on Google Video 'cause I was bored. And she's all like, "WHY." So I explained to her that it's just an anime that I'm becoming obsessed with, xD.
OOC: OMG, I just remembered something you guys might find funny. I recorded a new message for the answering machine on my phone, it now says something like: "Hi, this is Robyn's cell, I'm off plotting world domination with Vanessa so leave your name and number and I'll call you back later. Bye!" And my friend Vanessa has the same message exept hers says it's Vanessa's cell and she plotting world domination with Robyn. I told my older brother, and he's all saying how some random person could take it seriously and call the government and we'd have the Secret Service on our asses. You know, for a "Secret Service" they seem to be pretty well known...
Eastercat already made a fic like that D= but she hasn't updated in like, ever.
OOC: And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest... Leave out all the rest. It's my favorite song, and it kinda describes how I've been feeling lately. xP I just got an idea for a fanfiction. What if Sora, Riku, and Kairi somehow ended up in the Resident Evil world? >=D I can be so mean.
D= I poke myself with thorns all the time. I dun't know what to wriiiite... How do you guys like my sig?
...XDD No one seemed to care. Only my Reading teacher said anything. EDIT: Deathsight: I like characters like that =D I'm on episode 13, I think. EDITEDIT: Also, I like L better. I just wrote that to keep myself on task. Need to keep my enthusiasm up, so that I keep going for straight A's. =D
http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...cake.jpg&searchTerm=l death note&pageOffset=9 ...xD
OOC: =P Hi. I'm home from school, and everyone's pissed at me. Oh, and I can't go outside. This sucks. And I went to the bookfair at school, and they didn't have the book I wanted. -.- Other than that, though, everything's fine. xD Deathsight, LMAO, I started watching Death Note, and it inspired me to get straight A's. I even wrote in my planner to remind me: "Dude, Light is so cool. I should be like him and strive for straight A's." And I sit like L in my classes just to see if my teachers do anything about it. if they notice, I sit normally. My reading teacher told me to sit normally, and my friend asked my why I was sitting wierd in Math class today. xD *Offtopic'd* >.> This is officially the longest off-topic post I have ever typed.
Hmm... If I didn't have my five friends, I don't think I'd be alive right now. And also, I wouldn't be able to stand losing a limb, like an arm or a leg, 'cause then i wouldn't be able to climb or adventure or anything, which is my fav. thing to do.
ooc: FireKeyblade: It's a sort of inside joke if you went to the spamzone and clicked on the "Congratz on making FH, swordser!" Thread. Don' tbe alarmed, it was all a joke. That thread is closed now, lmao.
Favorite members: Catch the Rain, vivi's dark side, HigherBeing, Deathspank, and Xaldin. That's 5. In no particular order.
Hmm... Absolutely nothing.