Yay! xD Ah, I see. I haven't seen my report card yet. All I know is my average in Math is a 70-something. Not too happy about that. Closed for...
...I don't know what to talk about. D:
Or you can throw a party. 8D If you do...can I come? xD So, how's school going? Oh, and did you see Twilight?
The only song that I have of theirs is "Carry Me Down". I've heard a few others, but I wasn't really into them as much. They're still a great band though.
Aw, thank you so much. <3
Yeah, basically. I mean, I don't really know what to talk about. xD
I like that one too. They're all cool. We did "A Killing For the Crown."
No problem. ^^
Well, it was a birthday party thing. Here's a link to the site where she got it from. http://www.nightofmystery.com/clean_murder_mysteries.php...
I'll be praying for you. <3
Yes. xD His character in the whole thing was the boyfriend of the current Miss Teen USA, but he was going out with one of the contestents as well....
Well, I don't know. xD It's been good. I had a great time at the party I went to...I got to bribe Mark. 8D
I'm all right, I guess.
Everything okay? I'm all right.
xDD How are you?
And I promised my friend I would make some too. ;-; So I'll give him some brownies instead. xD
xDDD I wish I could make some Maple Fudge, but I lost the recipe. D:
I'm making brownies. 8D
Probably. xD
Maaaybe. ;D