Thank you! ^_^
Website, plz? 8D
Huh...I think I'll wiki it.
lol to that. Thanks. Appreciate it.
Ah. I thought it was just XBox. I mean, I have not once seen a PS3 commercial promoting it.
Just as long as it's not zombies...
lol, the internet is your friiiiiieeeeeennnd. XD She feels the same way. We're working on it.
Yeah. Does it come out for that, also? I've only seen it for XBox 360.
I don't have an XBox 360 so I can't play it. :huh:
lol, people keep telling me that I have a life. I don't believe them, but still. XD I like it.
Yeah, my problem is that there's just too much sometimes. It's so great. We've agreed to be just friends for right now, due to some issues and complications that we need to workout, but we still have so much fun. XD
This amused me XD. I like the comparison, but at the same time I don't see myself as him. Still, very nice. :D
Yeah, last time I was just swamped with work and had little to no free time. I've learned to manage my time a bit better. On top of that, this girl I've found is amazing.
Pretty's going okay...I think I may have found's been pretty good so far. :D
Yeah, it's been awhile. ^^ How's everyone?
Level up rejected. Level down commencing.
WAHAHAHA! :D :glomp:
What's the haps, fams?
Do they have their own tv shows?
Okay, I'm curious now. :D