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  1. naminestwinsister
    "well namine wanted to go swimming and she caught on a rock and stated bleeding and now she has a shark circling her"sora said

    "um hello rather than telling my life story why not actually try to get rid of the shark?"namine shouted angrily
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. naminestwinsister
    "hey sora how about we go for a swim?"namine asked

    "sure" sora said

    *namine jumped in but caught her foot on a rock and started bleeding*"ouch"she said

    "namine are you ok"sora asked

    "sure i'm fine i can look after myself you know"

    *sora noticed a shark swimming around towrds namine* "namine look out!" sora shouted
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. naminestwinsister
    "yea bye guys"namine said not really paying attention

    *sora leaned over to kiss namine"

    *namine leaned over to kiss sora to but she fell off the pier*"well that was bad timing"namine said pulling herself out of the water
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. naminestwinsister
    "namine will you go out with me?"sora said really quickly unable to stop himself

    "sora say that again and talk slowly"namine said

    "ok i said will you go out with me?ditch the whole try and split up kairi and roxas ts dumb"roxas said slowly and clearly

    "are you kidding what are you talking about sora?"namine asked

    "i'm saying will you seriously go out with me"sora said blushing brighter than ever

    "um well the thing is well....................................yes i will go out with you!"namine said as loud s she could sll out of excitement "ok you can drop the joke nowsora it wasnt funny a lesson i learned dot play with peoples minds"namine said looking up set and moving away from sora

    "but namine i'm not playing with your mind i'm serious!"sora said desperately

    " really meanit then yes yes and yes again"namine replied

    ooc:i have to go now ):
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. naminestwinsister
    "hey roxas whats up?people think little of you these days"larxene taunted the little kid roxas
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. naminestwinsister
    look where your getting yourself larxene if you go nuts for blood one day there will be no blood and everyone goes hungry you need freinds larxenelarxene thought to herself
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. naminestwinsister
    "ok sora this time for sure lets jst say we wanted to look at the sea and the moon and work our way from there"namine said in that singing voice again

    "o-o-ok namine"sora said starting to go purple from blushing

    *they both walked up to the end of the pier and sat down and cuddled eachother*

    "hi guys cold tonight huh?oh wow hte moons pretty tonight isn it sora?*namine said in her singy voice pointing to the moon

    "yeah it is" said sora still blushing like crazy come on sora pull yourself together your not trying to get namine to date you your trying to break roxas and namine apart sora thought but he still couldnt get over the fact that he didnt like kairi anymore
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. naminestwinsister
    namine waited till they left to talk again "what the heck was that? you werent supposed to pretend to pretend you dont like me you were supposed to pretend you dont like me!"

    *sora looked at namine and turned away before she saw him blush so red his head looked like a tomatoe*"sorry i was waiting for the golden oppertunity it wont happen wh they come back i swear"sora said

    "ok i'm sorry just make sure you get it right next time ok?"

    "sure thing"sora said getting up and walking away before somebody saw him blushing

    "geez anybody would have thought he really did like me i was really unconvincing"namine said shaking her head
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. naminestwinsister
    "axel are you feeling ok because the last time i checked a beach was perfectly safe nothing can come to get you"namine taunted still in a singing voice

    "no i dont like namine and i already said i'm not blushing*sora argued
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. naminestwinsister
    "oh hi kairi talking like what i'm just in a good mood beter than most days thats all right sora?"namine asked still with the singing voice

    "hi kairi hi roxas and yeah we are just in good moods and i am so not blushing"sora said looked at namine and blushed even more
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. naminestwinsister
    "hi everyone"sora said still blushing

    "hey guys"namine said and it sounded like she was singing"what are you all up to?"
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. naminestwinsister
    "so how are we gonna try to get them to break up?"sora asked hopefully

    "um well i d have a plan b but if it fails we are in a deep mess"namine replied

    "well if it might work then we should try it"sora said

    " no it would work out worst than plan a but if you really think me asking you out is gonna break them up if you think its worth risking it then we cold try"namine said

    "then lets try it anythings orth a shot right?"sora asked

    "fine but just think about what might happenif we fail and try to cheer up pretend i'm kairi or something but dont go around calling me kairi though"namine replied

    "ok fine" sora looked at namine and he actually blushed he then held her hand and they started to walk back to the others
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. naminestwinsister
    "oh i'm i see well i'm gonna go now see ya later"sora said looking really depressed *he walked over to namine*

    "so sora do you beleive me now i was hoping kairi would feel guilty if you found out but no she is shameless ah well want to go for a walk?"namine asked and had already started walking

    "sure thing wait for me" sora said half heartedly running to catch up to namine
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. naminestwinsister
    "hi kairi i've been hearing some stuff and do you like roxas?you know like like roxas?"sora asked still not convinced by what namine had said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. naminestwinsister

    *sora comes behind namine* "i'm right behind you what do you want?

    *namine turned round quickly* "sora dont do that! anyway i thought you would like to know that roxas likes kairi and i think kairi likes roxas to i just thought you'd like to know"namine said

    "dont be stupid namine!"sora said laughing

    "sora i'm being serious here!"namine replied

    "if your being serious then i'll ask kairi"sora said "see you later namine"*sora then ran off to where kairi and roxas were
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. naminestwinsister
    ooc:can be sora as well i notice he isnt taken yet
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. naminestwinsister
    *namine walked bck to the others* "hey does anyone know where sora is?"namine asked
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. naminestwinsister
    *namine was thinking of ways to split up kairi and roxas and had an idea* "i know i'll tell sora kairi will feel guilty and ditch roxas its brilliant and if that doesnt work there is a plan b ask sora out and see how kari feels about that so where is sora?"namine asked *namine went to look for sora*
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. naminestwinsister
    "sure luxord the food was great anyway i'm gonna head to the other side of the islind and stay there all night see you guys later..." "maybe"namine added quietly as she started walking away
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. naminestwinsister
    "you helped roxas and kairi get closer?but how can that happen i mean nobody with somebody thats crazy anyway thanks for the ice cream"namine said *she sits down next to roxas to eat herice cream* "hi roxas luxord told me hes been helping you and kairi get closer is that true?"
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home