"thats a releif so hows life been under the sea lately?"sora asked
hey maybe i drew what happened *she checked her sketch book which was completely empty*hey do you think we could be in castle oblivion?
"hi aerial good to see you just thought i'd drop in and say hi now that i found all my freinds by the way these are some of my freinds here naminé, roxas and kairi so have there been any heartless problems lately?" "hi ariel"namine said and gave a shy wave "well i'm going to have to go i'm busy being king see you later"triton said swimming away
"go ahead then use your powers i'm gonna try and figure out how we got here"
ooc:ok i'll be king triton then "shut up i'm trying to lure aerial and king triton and everybody else out"sora said quietly king triton swam over he could have sworn he heard a familliar voice "oh hello sora who are these people?and where are donald and goofy?" "oh hello your majesty this is naminé, kairi and roxas say hi guys" "um ok hello your majesty"namine said nevously she had never really met anybody royal "hey your majesty where is everybody?"sora asked "well i'm not entirely sure where everybody is i think ariel is coming hang on ARIEL DARLING THERE IS SOMEBODY HERE TO SEE YOU!"
*namine woke up* "yikes what happened and why are the organization here?where is here hey a window"namine said looking out of the window"ok let me see how many floors up we are"she said and started counting"100 we are 100 floors up help me the door"she said walking over to the door its locked "roxas roxas!wake up"
ooc:now we need more characters at least ariel and king triton we could split them between us so which one do you want? "why is this place deserted? just when i forget to sim like this again darn"sora said the last part to himself quietly "so sora can i have some swimming lessons here please?"namine asked
double yes start whenever you want
"ok hold onto your lunch next stop atlantica!"sora said mking the gummi ship take off "hey you really need to put your seatbelts on i have my own little adjustment to the gummi ship"sora waited till he was sure everybody was secure "here we go hyper drive engage!" the gummi ship suddely went really fast and 5 seconds later sora and the others were merpeople in atlantica "wow this place is pretty but where is everybody sora?"namine asked looking around
"great i left the gummi ship in that flower bed over there"sora said pointing to a flower bed just off of the beach"so lets go!"sora said swimming as fast as he could "hey sora dont leave without us!"namine said trying to catch up sora got onto the land and walked to the flower bed and got inside the gmmi ship and started up the engine namine got inside and sat down
sora swam around the dolphins and had a thought "hey guys i just had a thought why dont we head over to atlantica? then we can be mer-people and check up on ariel and king triton" "i think thats a great idea but how? do you still have that gummi ship?"namine asked "yes i also have some spare gummi parts do you two want to come to atlantica as well?"sora asked kairi and roxas
the water stopped and namine went into a dive while sora wasnt expecting it fell in a torpedo position in the water falling pretty deep and after about 5 mins he surfaced gasping for air
okiedokie your in:stupid:
*a big shadow appeared beneath namine and sora it emerged and it was a whale it released a spout of water keping them both suspended in midair laughing*
ok your in oh and everybdy else you can start whenever you want
sora spotted more fins in the water they jumped up and they werent sharks they where dolphins "come on namine swim with them"sora said laughing "ok"namine said mimicking their swimming patterns
ok the story is just that the organization and namine were all in a room at the same time except xemnas who has all the keys and the door is locked and cannot be unlocked by the keyblade and the walls and doors are all made of a special material that is completely 100% indestructable the only other way out is if somebody just so happened to be on the other side of the door where there is a special mechanizmthat can open the door meanwhile sora rik and kairi are locked 50 floors down in the same position because every room is locked in exactly the same way EDIT all powers are wiped taken characters namine:naminestwinsister sora:naminestwinsister larxene:hitna3510 roxas:The_King
"hey sora look at that" said namine pointing and ducking underwater when sora wasnt looking "oh haha nam-namine?w-where are you"said sora looking at where she had just been "she was eaten for lunch by a squid"namine said in a deep voice sora turned round "who are y- oh very funny you got me"said sora sarcasticly
sora looked even more but couldnt see her anywhere "n-namine? ... oh its all my fault it was a bad idea to go swimming even if she suggested it i did want to date her we were happy but now shes-shes" "-right behind you"namine finished "thanks for killing the shark i was washed away by a... um something but that was so sweet what you just said ut really if i had died it would have been my fault but anyway."namine said and she kissed sora
"oh ok"namine said nervously diving under the shark and she got stuck in seaweed so now she was stuck underwater and had a shark after her "namine! now tht sharks done it" sora said summoning his keyblade jumping into the water and killing the shark butnamine had dissapeared so sora came back above the water "where is she? where did she go? NAMINE?NAMINE!?"sora said looking around desperately