gang up on twi! *hits twi w/ a mailbox*
*dodges kaira's pointy things and throws hello kitty at her* hehehe...meow!
OOC: aw come on!!!! rufus y is ur stat- oflyn?
"what the heck is happening???? why are all of this happening to us?? who's next?? me, axel, tifa, cloud, demyx or riku??? , namine said to herself while watching everyone pass-by.
waaah run away!!!! got hit by twi oof! *throws twi back at rena*
*hits jellyfish w/ tennis racket and went to twi*
got hit by sb's legs "ew!!!!" *throws a jellyfish at rena*
(OOC: okei) namine left kairi alone and rushed to the er to see roxas. the nurse stopped her. Nurse: miss you can't go in there "why not?" Nurse: its too dangerous to go in there "nurse, my friend is in there and still unconcious and you're telling me not to go in there!", she said while crying heavily Nurse: "well, yeah! just wait here okay and please try to calm yourself" "okay." she said and sat outside the emergency room. "roxas, sora and kairi. they are all out, but why???"
*throws a dagger at the rabbit* -it's dead-
"KAIRI, KAIRI!!!", namine tried to call kairi's attention but still no answer. "no, not you too.....
*also throws patrick to twi* Patrick: hey twi! wat r u doing?
"kairi, what's wrong?", namine asked
"throws spongebob to rena and twi!* Spongebob: whee.... i can fly!
hey hannah! welcome to! as everyone says post alot, don't span and have fun!
*throws teddy bear at rena* how's that gonna help?
"KAIRI!", namine yelled. oh god! she's in shock!!! what am i gonna do?? "nurse!!!" Nurse: "oh my god! what happened???" "i dunno", she said while tears are heavily coning out of her eyes Nurse: "let's take him to the er" "no! not again! roxas, please don't go!!! ", she said to herself. The nurses put roxas's body in a stretcher and rushed him to the er. "kairi, come on!". (OOC: why is everyone fainting???)
*grabs a bean bag chair and throws it to rena and twi*
*grabs a hose and fires at rena and twi*
"ROXAS!!!", namine said, she rushed to him. "roxas, roxas, please wake up! please wake up!!!!", she said while holding his head. "kairi, help!"
"hey, I'm bored! is anyone bored besides me?", Larxene said to everyone