nice shot, sora!
(OOC: night, twi! sweet dreams!) "doc, what happened to her??" namine asked the doctor. Doctor: "this is a side-effect form her seizure. she will be okay in 24 hours" "oh, okay.", she said. she walked out of the er and sat outside again. kairi.....why are you trying to find sora??? and when will roxas wake up?", she said to herself. She got her sketchpad out and started to draw just to amuse herself.
"yes he is, he is still in the hospital room!!!", namine said to kairi "is she going crazy??", she said to herself
*laughs from watching twi chasing kaira* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!1
"he's still at his hospital room, why do u ask?", namine said to kairi
argh!!! 2 days ago my mom forced me to have a haircut! and now my hair kinda looks like selphie's!!!! wahh!!!! does anyone like new haircuts/hairdos? :D
*releases twi from container* -i'm such a nosy kid!
a nurse called namine Nurse: "you're friend is awake." "the girl or the boy?" Nurse: "the girl" "thank god!!" she went in the er, "kairi i'm so glad you're okay!", she went to kairi's bed (OOC: i gotta go, bye guys!)
OW!! you're gonna pay for that! *starts shooting at rena*
targets rena w/ a ghost sucking thingamajig
GHOSTBUSTER!!! where's the ghost?
"no, not you too!" "NURSE!!!", namine yelled. Nurse: "what's wrong??" "my friend...... i think she's having a seizure!!" Nurse: "what the..... let's get her to the er." "do what you have to do." The nurses put kairi into a stretcher and rushed her to the er. namine just stood there, outside the er door, looking at the mini-window. she saw roxas and kairi. only 5 feet apart from their beds. "i can't take it anymore!!!!!", she said to herself while crying tears of sadness and desperation. i wonder who's next??? , she said to herself and sat down. "three friends are in here.... i don't wanna lose anyone!!!!!
*coming out of nowhere* "hey! i'm hikki, waz up?"
(OOC: can i call a nurse so that kairi will be hospitalized?)
namine sat there waiting. she saw kairi still standing there (OOC: is kairi supposed to say this things out loud while zoning out?)
sees something random fly..... ooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
*got hit by poo* EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! rena you're gonna pay for this! *throws toilet at rena*
i'll peel you off *peels off twi from rena*
OW!! *got hit by a katamari* *throws winnie-the-pooh to kaira*
oh my lord! its raining teletubbies! *running around and screaming* *throws donald duck to kaira*