Now that was uncalled for, Tidus. *flicks with rubberband* But Macie won't let me kill you. Exactly.
Please do. Yeah, I think that was it. *hides again*
*wants to shoot at Marluxia* I think he's still a bit upset about earlier.
*pets spot where Carl once was* Beautiful chocobo.
By the way, nice avatar, Eastercat. Carl is such a pretty, pretty chocobo! ...Can I pet him?
Hm, we haven't met before, correct? I'm lookaheartless(/LAH/Macie), the Insane Child, at your service. "Welcome to our happy flock."
Hey. *hugs* *gets glomped* I'm okay. Still recovering from an incident I had earlier with Marluxia. You? Welcome back then, Ian.
...Okay...? Well, I have missed a lot, hm?
Feh, what does Sephiroth care about besides "Jenova's friggin' head"? Nyeh, I saw why you guys stole it so much. Nyaha~... *restrains from killing Marluxia* I gotta go to school. See you all sometime!
Who is who? That was Demyx dressed as Vincent. *glares at Marluxia*
...Awkward... *watches Vincent* What are you doing? THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY CAPE~! That's just Demyx. Why does he have my cape? Because NED and I didn't steal it.
Well, Marluxia, I hope you enjoy that rat. *pats head*
What a beautiful thing to wake up to; Marluxia eating a dead rat.
Uhm... Yeah? Let's go with that.
It sure is amazing.
*stares at the hair* The Precious... Hehe
Hah... Good times, ne?
That's good. *pats NED on the head* Did someone have a Macie-Moment? Conchita... Conchita, Conchita... *likes to say Conchita*
Just peachy, thanks. Not really supposed to be on here. You?
I said "AXel" Not "ALex" You aren't dramatic anyhow.