Eep! I said I was kidding!! *hides in Vincent's cloak* Why are you starting this again? Ehh, leave me alone >.>
Hello, ichristian! I was too! And my poppy and grandpoppy were in the Navy.
*stares at Tidus some more* I dunno... Wait! It's you! No, I'm sorry, Tidus, I'm kidding.
Oh. Thanks again ^,^;;; *stares at Tidus* Oyyy...
They got married?!?! *falls over again* @.@ Where the heck was I?!
I-I remember him doing that, but... I didn't know he got pregnant!! Thanks @.@ I agree with L. Shame on you, Tidus!
Hey, HisNobody! I'm okay, thanks, how are you? ...What?! Marly is pregnant? *falls over* @.@
I didn't think so. Hello, Sorafan! I'm okay, thanks, how are you?
Do I wanna ask what's going on here?
I know! :p
WHAT?! You thought I was a boy?! X_X
Yay German Sora!!
What kind of movie are you filming? And I like that video, Ichigo! Hey, NED Man, I wanted to talk to Sora in German...
Human: Have you ever gone to Candy Mountain? ALICE: I don't think I ever have gone to Candy Mountain. What's it like? Human: It's fun. ALICE: Why do you like it so much? Human: The letter 'Y' takes your kidney. ALICE: Oh I get it. It sounded funny at the time.
Bye, Sorafan! Yeah, it's like, hard to hate you.
NOOO! Of course not! *huggles* I can stand it sometimes, though.
Bleh. If I even think about SasuNaru I wanna vomit. No shounen-ai for Macie.
In Advent Children? Reno and Axel have the same VA.
That ees gud to heah. (Don't ask)
HisNobody! *tackleglomps* How ish thee today?