Oh, the psychic powers were in the manga too, my gun comment was just a remark as to how such a recipe for disaster would translate irl.
Meh. This is one of the only SD game I never wished to have in HD, its naive cell shading worked just fine in SD. Besides the obvious "now you don' t need to plug a GBA to use those Tingle menus that we could totally have let you access without a GBA" I wonder what they plan to add exactly. A few dungeons wouldn' t suck, there weren' t many. Throwing in something along the lines of Minish Cap' s medals or Oracle' s accessories wouldn' t hurt either, exploring the sea was fun but it often felt useless : let' s see, what was left here for me to find ? Oh yay, rupees. How original. I am so thrilled. Not the kind of game that makes me want a Wii U, although I' d probably buy it if I had one.
Well, the story of Akira begins right after a nuclear disaster and ends with the anarchist society arising from the story ashes telling international help volunteers, especially the American ones, to GTFO. Post WW2 Japan commentary spotted. There' s also a lot of subtext regarding the behavior of military, cops, politicians, religious leaders, scientists and teachers. Although Chronicles' characters aren' t orphans nor part of a bikers gang (so not nearly as violent and not lacking mother/father figures) they struggle with the same kind of issues to some extent. Basically Andrew is Tetsuo, Matt is Kaneda and Steve is Yamagata. Tetsuo acted the way he did for the same reasons as Andrew : society keeps telling him that he' s worthless and that it won' t change anytime soon, anything he does to prove them wrong is a very bad idea and/or turns against him (so naturally he ends up not wanting to even be part of it), he and his friends have a lot of miscommunication issues and he' s ashamed of still being a virgin (because of your average teenager alpha male obsession, it' s quite universal), and finally his intoxication for his newfound druggy powers leads to tragic accidents whenever he gets emotional, sending him for good in an egotistical, out of control power spin. Replace psychic powers with guns and see how well the story works as a commentary of contemporary America.
Xenosaga was a re-imagining of the Xenogears back-lore, and although I haven' t finished it yet as far as I can tell Xenoblade has nothing to do with either and its story is nowhere near as complex. They just use the Xeno leitmotif in their titles to say "hey, there' s giant robots in it". Even if this game turns out to be related to Xenoblade (the visual interface is the same) chances are you' ll be able to join the ride without feeling puzzled by its story. I don' t expect to buy a Wii U anytime soon, but I hope "on-line" doesn' t mean "mandatory paying subscription".
I' m much more afraid to drive. I hope you won' t go through air pockets. Not that any plane ever crashed because of them, it' s just an unpleasant and scary experience.
Damn, is that ... is that a Xenoblade sequel ? It looks awesome ! XGARSBFUYHJISUSKRST !! Wait, it' s on Wii U, and it' s an on-line game. ...
We ? Well I don' t know about you, but I didn' t sign to be part of the Westboro Baptist Gamers. ^^
It' s already been taken down. The death star thing was funny, this is just pathetic. And btw, there is one thing the death star petition actually achieved : the number of signatures required for the white house to consider a request has been quadrupled.
The Dog's Diary The Cat's Diary
Basically you first cook marijuana butter, which you can then use to replace normal butter in any recipe. Cookies, lollipops, ice-cream, you name it. On the upside it doesn' t make you smoke tobacco and it allows you to consume 90% of the THC (the molecule that makes you high), as opposed to 30% when you smoke it, so it' s cheaper. On the downside the effects are delayed, they kick in one or two hours after eating, and it still increases the odds for you to get mental diseases if you' re genetically predisposed to them (hard for me to say if that' s the case for your buddy, ask him if there' s a history for crazies in his family tree).
You don' t have to use tobacco nor to be a regular smoker to consume weed (it can be cooked for instance). If I am to believe my college physics teacher then average lungs can eliminate one cigarette a day. Weed itself, smoked pure, is much less harmful than tobacco. There is indeed no recorded death due to marijuana, you can' t overdose on it. Consuming marijuana, as for most kind of consumptions, is basically a trade-off. It can kill you slowly in high doses, increases mental diseases risks, affects driving skills (though not as much as alcohol does) and is addictive. It also gives you pleasure, boosts creativity, shifts your perspective on things and has many medicinal uses. Basically I wouldn' t recommend it to anyone, but I don' t condone responsible users either.
My catechism teachers. They didn' t say it would, they said it might. What were you told prayer was for ? Oh, and if you believe in prayer then praying for your health or hearing someone say that he' ll pray for your health can have a slight placebo effect.
Atheists can be dumb or coo coo for cocoa puffs too, the gods don' t own the copyrights on every magical or moronic thinking out there. Same as yours, the kind that suggests praying problems away might work.
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !
Oh I understand the "please don' t smoke it in front of me" reasoning, but it' s not the same as "don' t smoke it period". Apparently they don' t live in the same house and don' t spend their evenings together so ... idk, personally I wouldn' t mind.
What I fail to understand is how making him stop would make it more bearable to you. But anyway, if you' re as addicted as you sound then maybe a forced halt isn' t nearly as bad as you think it is. I have been that addicted, it has had undesirable consequences on my life and I' m glad to be out of it. I' m not completely out yet, I still buy some (like, twice a year tops), but I don' t feel like life sucks without it anymore. I still smoke tobacco though ... ;_;
They do, but they don' t claim it was their idea either : http://kotaku.com/5810920/ps-vita-t...ean-wii-u-style-experiences-for-sonys-console Frankly if that' s true I' m a little on the fence, it would raise the price of controllers up to ridiculous levels. Sure, there' s the occasional game that does exploit touch screens, secondary screens or motion controls in a way that doesn' t feel contrived or unnecessary, but most of the games I play would be just as good without them. That being said, I managed to gather four friends, three GBA, three connection cables, a Gamecube and Zelda Four Swords once, and it truly was an epic blast. I never had that much fun in a multi-player game since Bomberman. I guess in the end what truly matters is whether the devs exploit the tools they' re given smartly or not, otherwise their hypothetic potential is just that, hypothetical.
That' s because we use the infinity symbol as a concept, not as a number. Comparing infinities and wondering which one has more elements than the other is nonsensical : they' re both infinite, period. Do they ? Personally I never heard any of my math teachers say such a thing. I think you might want to read this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno's_paradoxes