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  1. Patman
    Well, whether one agrees with death being the apropriate sentence for him or not it certainly wouldn' t have hurt to trial him first. But yes, if the talion law was actually implemented a lot of american heads would start rolling for what they did abroad, For all I know Bin Laden might have been a talion law vigilante.

    As for "no such thing as right or wrong" well you' re right in the absolute. However once we' ve all agreed on a subjective standard to build our morality upon, say for instance people' s wellbeing, then we can list the available courses of actions in a given scenario and compare their efficiency in terms of overall wellbeing, Sometimes we can even do that perfectly objectively.

    I' m not addressing this to you in particular mind you, you' re just the one I happen to quote. I saw people draw the "everyone' s entitled to their opinion" card an awful lot on here lately and I grew tired of it. Of course they are, so ****ing what ? Kind of a duh statement. It doesn' t mean that all opinions are equally deserving of respect nor that they shouldn' t be challenged. Challenging them is just, guess what, giving yet another opinion.

    To get back on the subject when we compare how many lives each alternative spares or how much they cost it' s simple math, not much room for subjectivity there. Looking at statistics should give us an idea about which is the best deterrant. It does get trickier to establish wish is most "appropriate" punishment though, I' m not terribly concerned about the fact that some people believe in hell, if they can' t prove its existence the point is moot, but even from an agnostic perspective it is fairly obvious that the suffering or solace that a person experience in a given situation cannot be quantified objectively, let alone universally.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  2. Patman
    Same as below61, I was quite surprised when I read the lyrics a while back. I didn' t suspect in the least that this line was actually Spanish, but then their pronunciation isn' t exactly stellar.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    That' s a tough one for me. I did pick a side, but I do realize that, morally speaking, both sides have pros and cons and none seems clearly better than the other. I guess that' s why our president organized a referendum on the matter 32 years ago, he wouldn' t have bothered to ask otherwise.

    I picked the side against. The death penalty doesn' t seem to act as a better deterrant than prison itself (hell, just look how high the suicide rates are in prison), and it doesn' t necessarily strike me as a worse punishment either, depends on who you ask and which prison we' re talking about.

    Since we often convict the wrong guy I' d rather not have them killed to top it all, it' s a tad easier to try and make amends for wrongly imprisoning them than for wrongly killing them. By the way, just curious, whose head would the talion law partisans want to see roll in that case ? The judge' s ? The jury' s ? The executionner' s ? All of them ? Gotta be coherent ...

    Maybe in order to get a clearer picture I should check and compare the proportion of people wrongly incarcerated for murder (well, that we know of, I guess that one would be wild conjecture anyway) and that of recidivist murderers we' ve let out of prison (which I heard recently is surprisingly low, at least in my country, apparently our psychologists are better than I thought).
    Post by: Patman, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  4. Patman
    The first look at the game may have been posted elsewhere, it' s old news by now, but since I haven' t seen it in this thread I might as well post it either way.

    Looks a tad less blurry than the PS2 version, but that' s it. The models and textures may have been improved, but if that' s the case it' s too subtle to really make a difference.

    Post by: Patman, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Patman
    Well uTorrent sends and receives a few information non-stop, whether you' re actually up/downloading something or not. Clients information, stuff like that. I might be wrong but I think it even calls dibs on a set portion of your bandwith, whether it needs all of it at the moment or not. Also, depending on your hardware and settings, you might have trouble establishing connexions with different clients at the same time. Youtube and uTorrent was no problem for me, but uTorrent and eMule at the same time was a big no-no.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    The question is ... why the hell would you keep uTorrent oppened (i.e. eating up RAM and CPU procesing time) if you' re not doing anything with it. >_>

    Never had that problem myself, I just lowered uTorrent' s download speed so that it doesn' t slow youtube down too much, et voila.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Patman
    Yeah I read something about that :
    My provider is Orange, but the article doesn' t say if that particular issue is permanent or sporadic so I can' t tell if my problem is the one mentioned there or something else entirely.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    I have the same problem with you tube, though not just since last week. Not sure why (nor that the explanation is always the same), but refreshing the page usually solves it. I noticed it happens a lot more often on my PS3 than on my ad-blocked computer, maybe the ads occasionally bug the whole thing ? *shrugs*​
    Post by: Patman, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    That' s why I said "somewhere in there", I didn' t expect a screen icon to pop up. There has to be a list of your peripherals in there and a way to display their own panel, trouble is I' ve never used Windows seven so I can' t tell you what to click exactly. In the older windows there also was such a list in one of the tabs of the ctr alt sup panel (press those three keys at the same time, a panel should appear, just don' t do it twice in a row it would restart your computer). If it' s not in there either all I can tell you is to open all the stuff in the control panel to see which does what, as long as you don' t change anything you can' t mess anything up, you should find the one you want eventually.

    One last thing, what you' re looking for is probably named after the brand and serial number of your screen, not just "screen".
    Post by: Patman, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Technology
  10. Patman
    Huh ? Click on the windows icon (the bottom left icon in the picture) then click on control panel.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Technology
  11. Patman
    Then it may have the kind of auto-set feature I mentioned earlier. Open the control panel (see the pic), there should be a panel about your screen somewhere in there, it might allow you to change some settings.

    Post by: Patman, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Technology
  12. Patman
    If it' s a brand new computer I' d update my screen and graphic card drivers, if it doesn' t fix it I' d check their known compatibility issues.

    If however your computer hasn' t always acted this way then I' d still update the drivers, it' s quick and it can' t hurt, and if it doesn' t solve it then I' d wonder what I did right before it happened for the first time that could have triggered it : if I installed programs I' d get rid of them and see what happens, if I changed settings I would change them back. If you' re not the only one to use that computer then ask its other users what they installed or changed around that time.

    Oh, and check what your screen says its brightness level is, both before and after that problem happens. It probably displays a number or something when you try to change it manually (pushing buttons). Check out if those numbers match your undesired brightness changes.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Technology
  13. Patman

    Not sure if Windows 7 has that feature, but I know that some screens have it built-in. A friend of mine had such a screen, when we watched a movie the brightness kept jumping back and forth. It was annoying as hell, but unfortunately there was no way to turn it off.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: Technology
  14. Patman

    New Pope

    Nope, he' s not in the Bible. Well, not per say, the word pope isn' t there, but Saint Peter is. The word pope appeared much later but they' re suposed to be Peter' s successor at the head of the Church. It is very much politics : although the Church is essentially a business (ike any other religious institution) the Vatican is also the smallest state in the world. It is not a part of Italy, and the pope is its elected King.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  15. Patman
    Define hate. I mean if you think homosexuality is icky, say talking to an homosexual or seeing them kiss makes you uncomfortable, well that' s fine, it' s not like it' s something you can reason. If however you go out of your way to shun them out or be a vocal ass, based on belief rather than evidence, then that I do have a problem with.

    In my country for instance you can only fire someone over a professional fault. You hire people to do a job and, as a boss, how efficiently they do it is the only aspect of their lives that is any of your business. Not that there' s no way to get around it in practice, but I' m still glad things were legiferated this way. Sadly, I heard in the US firing someone over his private life is completely legal, looks like legal discrimination to me.

    I also heard that in some US schools teachers aren' t allowed to use the word homosexual, not even in sex ed (if there is any), or that they propose some ridiculous "cure the gay" programs to their students. They' re teachers, in a secular democracy, they' re supposed to be role models. Do I have to elaborate or do you understand why that makes me wanna puke ?

    The US also seem to have a big problem with atheists btw, if I am to believe statistics (most distrusted minority in the US). They' re more likely to vote for a gay president. Just count how many openly gay/atheist judges or senators they have, it' s amazing. However there have much more blacks beaten in an alley for being black than they have atheists beaten for being atheists. What I' m getting at is that you don' t have to hate someone (or realize/admit that you actually do) to discriminate him, apathy can be just as damaging as hate.
    Post by: Patman, Mar 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Patman
    Yoshitaka Amano (Final Fantasy illustrator) and Michel Ancel (Rayman and Beyond Good And Evil creator) are two names I certainly didn' t expect to ever see associated in the same news, and yet :

    Source :

    Could this projet be Beyond Good And Evil 2 ? Something else entirely ?
    My bet is on the latter, but who knows ...
    Thread by: Patman, Mar 11, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Patman
    I think Final Fantasy in real life would look more like this :

    Post by: Patman, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patman
    He might have figured out it was a joke. We can' t see if they glitched their act or if someone spilled the beans to him, but either way the fact that the attacker doesn' t pay any attention to a witness barging in is super suspicious. I probably would have froze for a few seconds then kicked his face in panic long before my brain gets there though ...
    Post by: Patman, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patman
    Aren' t the fifth and sixth just subsets of the seventh ? As they acknowledge it themselves the number of arbitrary subsets of the seventh dimension is infinite, if we play that game the seventh dimension should really be called the infiniteth dimension and the three remaining dimensions become hard to name.

    I guess it' s like the ten commandments, ten sounded better so they threw in filler stuff ...

    Post by: Patman, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    It' s not so much about the town' s look as it is about its nature. The one from the movie never saw the light of day, technically it also "never was".
    Post by: Patman, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX