The spell acts as a lie detector, not as a truth detector. If Pinochio was convinced, say, that 2+2=5 (false statement), or that there' s absolutely no task that an omnipotent God could not achieve (paradoxical statement), he could make those claims all day long, it wouldn' t make his nose grow. You can either believe a claim to be true or not believe it. These are the two only options, there' s no middle ground. In other words there is absolutely no situation that would require Pinochio' s nose to both grow and not grow at the same time.
Source :
Huh ? What are you talking about ? ^^ Spoiler
A rooster. Gallus is the latin word for Gallic (Gaulls are our ancestors) and rooster.
Appart from its "graphics suck even for their time" comment (he obviously wasn' t around back then) the first review is pretty spot on. The story is indeed hole-ridden, it' s just a pretext to explore the world (too bad the endless cutscenes can' t be skipped, pretty or not), and though the gameplay is fun if you' re nerdy enough to try things (which I happen to be) the game is very easy overall and rarely forces you to do so. That' s exactly why I didn' t like XIII, it ditched exploration and customization freedom (the selling points of the series to me) to emphasize its story and (fail to) make it deeper and more believable. Oh well, he didn' t like it and gave it a 3/10, I loved it and would grade it much higher. Whatever, to each his own ... Second review : tl,dr smelt like troll anyway.
What' s not to love ?
The trailer makes it look like Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game, but some of the news sites made it sound like they were MGS5 part 1 and 2 so I was a tad confused ... Source :
1,90 m. Google tells me that' s 6ft 2 51/⁄64in. . . . Why are you not using the metric system again ?
Turns out Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes were really Metal Gear Solid 5 all along. Can' t say I' m surprised.
I heard of a French doctor who collected many obe testimonies from his patients. Puzzled by their amount of acurate details, despite the patients being clinically dead (as in brain dead) at the time, he decided to devise double blind protocols to test if people experiencing an obe can actually travel or if they' re just imagining the whole thing. Hiding written messages in different rooms, stuff like that. Trust me, that didn' t exactly gained him his colleagues sympathy, some even wanted him expelled. He had everything to lose and not a cent to gain. I haven' t seen any result published yet, but apparently he' s far from being the only doctor taking that topic seriously. However I also heard of someone who thought he could astral project, but eventually grew suspicious. He started hiding books at his place, opened at random pages, to check if he could read them in his astral travels and see if that matched reality when he got back. He failed miserably. Personally when it comes to extraordinary claims testimonies aren' t exactly rocking my world, show me peer reviewed studies or gtfo. If you want to try to astral project nonetheless I guess there' s no harm in that. Well, if you avoid people trying to get money out of you that is. I wouldn' t hold my breath about exploring fictional worlds in reality though ...
Well, I wouldn' t recommend turning it into something nasty, if that' s where it starts going I would stop it and spell it out loud : "Look, if you were so much smarter than me you would have known better than to consistantly put your own brother down at the slightest occasion. Walk in my shoes for two seconds, I had to fight back, one way or another. Trust me, you' re glad I didn' t pick the other. Right now the ball is on your side. You can call for a truce, or lose a brother. Your choice. It' s hard for me to give more than a vague guideline, it' s a case by case scenario. But then I' ve never had my tongue in my pocket and I' m quite good at quips (at least in French), but if if Kanji Tatsumi is nowhere near as articulate as I am then maybe expressing his anger directly and jumping at what I just said is a better idea. And btw, not sure if there is a cultural difference there, but now that he' s a 17 years old young adult surely she can refrain from barging into his room unanounced and uninvited. As for your mum, sorry but you haven' t given me nearly enough to know what the problem is exactly, though whatever it is I doubt I would recommend the same approach.
So, basically she keeps waving a red carpet at you and you keep rushing in every time ? Who the **** cares whether it was for Media or Graphics. If she keeps giving you hell over such trivial details it just reflects her own insecurity, not to mention her immaturity. Just ignore her, and if you can' t then just indulge her : she wants to play who' s the dumbest ? She' s gonna lose ! If she wants a baby that' s exactly what she' ll get. XD Take it as a game, get some lulz out of it, that should help you keep your cool no matter what, She should figure out eventually that you' ve turned the roles on her, that oughta sting.
The genes involved could be recessive, with both parents being blood type A you can still end up being O. But yes, our earliest experiences are the most determinant on our brain development. In the case of homosexuality it seems the hormone levels in the womb could play a role indeed :
1 : What about you? Do you chose what you do or don' t like ? Trying to force yourself to become homo/hetero would be just as pertinent as trying to force yourself to like eating poop. You might succefully brainwash yourself enough to believe it (good luck with that), but why the hell would you do that to begin with ? Whether we' re born that way or not ... well we haven' t found any gay gene yet, but even if there is one chances are it just increases the odds for you to become gay. Our tastes and personalities are dictated by our brains, and our brains are molded by our genes, true, but also by our experiences. Genes do not set everything we are in stone, trying to pinpoint the one thing that makes you like x or y is, well, kinda missing the point. 2 : First, what Misty said. Second, if we werent genetically predisposed enough to heterosexuality (or bi-sexuality, that works too) then we would have grown extinct a long time ago. As for what it would mean for heterosexuality to be the norm, if it was true, well, normal doesn' t mean right and marginal doesn' t mean wrong, if that' s where you were going. Normal doesn' t mean natural either. And btw, humans are genetically predisposed to polygamy, yet after millenias of social pressure and religious dogma monogamy has now become our norm.
Basically, what C said. I' m affraid the basics have to be learned the boring way (grammar, irregular verbs ...), but once I got that behind me watching movies or playing games was much funnier for me so I learned quicker that way. I started watching everything in English, with English subs (French subs would have ruined the point) until I figured out I didn' t need the subs anymore. But then I' m an intuitive learner and I have a good memory. I Iearned how to write just by reading a lot, but for some people that' s not enough. I' ve seen What? joke about French' s deep orthography, but it looks like English is even worse in that regard : Unfortunately there' s no universally "good" method to teach a language, you should attempt different approaches, try to make it fun, and see what sticks. If your "student" is not familiar enough with English yet to bypass translations entirely then I suggest to make him read/watch/play something he loves and already went through numerous times in his own language, he might be surprised by the amount of jokes or nuances that weren' t translated.
"He didn' t answer so I accidentally shot him" is often used as an excuse to try and cover up cold blooded murders. Not that I think it' s the likeliest explanation here, but it' s not impossible either. If your reaction is to go trigger happy without even checking who it is you' re shooting first (and by checking I mean seeing) then clearly you aren' t prepared to handle a gun.
The pre-launch campaign was even funnier. The French one reads "On December 25, if you see a 32 bits sitting next to the christmas tree, don' t laugh. It might be yours." "In order to make excellent games processing speed and power are decisive. The Ultra 64 is the first console equipped with a true 64 bits processor, the quickest and most powerful on the market." - Shigeru Miyamoto Don' t ask me what a false 64 bits processor is. XD