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  1. adamboy7
  2. adamboy7
  3. adamboy7
  4. adamboy7
  5. adamboy7
  6. adamboy7
  7. adamboy7
    Profile Post

    Hey! How are you? :D

    Hey! How are you? :D
    Profile Post by adamboy7 for Tifa L., Apr 10, 2012
  8. adamboy7
  9. adamboy7
  10. adamboy7
    I am spoiling this, here it goes...

    I am not really one to vent much, but I shall give it a shot:

    I do not vent to others very often, if at all ever. Perhaps its because I would feel insecure or maybe because I want to look like the stronger one for moral support. I have others vent to me alot, so I guess I just want to look strong for their sake. So I guess its a mix of arrogance and a care for others.

    I can't tell you how many times I have made my friends vent to me. I guess I just want to be a good friend. Even though I do it so often, it would still feel odd to me to let others return the favor.

    I am a bit odd, and I seem to obsess over psychology. Like really obsess. When I found out my grandfather died while I was in history class I was sad on the outside, but a voice in my head was questioning why I felt sad, why I cried, why do we have emotions. It was a mix of grief and logic. I still don't understand it. I just came to the conclusion humans are odd. And yes, I speak from an outsider's point of view.

    I once tried to date a girl off of here and it ended rather badly. Now whenever I think of dating there is the thought it will end badly or things will get awkward that sits in the back of my mind.

    I act arrogant at times, but usually its just because my friends are nice and allow me to do it. Its fun, but arrogance is not always a good thing.

    When I look in the mirror I don't really believe what I see. I wonder if it's really me (I usually don;t look in the mirror and just look at myself as a person rather than by actually looking at myself) or wonder what others think of me. And then I usually wonder how many people really do judge and disregard me based off of appearance.

    I supposedly have alot of friends at school, I just wonder why they are my friends. Do they like me for me? Do they like me because they think I am "special"? How many people really think I am smart? Its questions like these that make me really think.

    While looking through this tread I feel somewhat guilty for only skimming the posts that stand out rather than giving more through to all the rest. Sorry bout that.

    I have deleted about half of the things I have typed in this very post up to this point XD God knows what I will do after I click post XD

    Oh, I have no idea whats out there in the so called after life, so I reject nearly everything with the excuse "I will find out when I get there". I thought of that what I said God knows above.

    I like "emo" people for some reason. I don't know why, I am usually an optimistic person. I just have a special place in my heart for them I guess. This leads me back to part number 3. I just feel some kind of connection with them.

    I over analyse alot, but never feel the need to judge a person. It makes no sense, but I guess it just goes back to numbers 1 and 2.

    I suppose I could go on and on, but if I do others will probably pity me for putting others before myself. I do not want pity, so I shall stop here. I am going to attempt to click post now before number one gets the better of me. I already regret it and I have not even clicked post yet T.T
    Post by: adamboy7, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. adamboy7
  12. adamboy7
  13. adamboy7
  14. adamboy7
  15. adamboy7
  16. adamboy7
  17. adamboy7
  18. adamboy7
    Profile Post

    No, you look XD [IMG]

    No, you look XD [IMG]
    Profile Post by adamboy7 for awesomeperson, Apr 10, 2012
  19. adamboy7
  20. adamboy7