lol 5:00am is when I get up in the morning lol. I usually go to sleep around 11 or 12. So I am used to about five or six hours sleep, and then I...
lol Very good guess, you are correct XD It is 10:25 pm for me, probably 26 by post. So sorry in advance if I say I have to go soon XD That's...
2 things. 1: A link with much love :3 Clicky Me! 2: I made it to six pages of friends! yay! THEY LIKE ME~! THEY REALLY LIKE ME!!! T \_/ T
I actually do :D lol What? Did you not read the title? How to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity XD Is not how to get rid of it, its how to...
Random question: What time is it? Oh, and just so you know I ask alot of random questions XD Its fun and I do not believe there is a better kind...
Hey! How are you? :D
XD I usually respond when I get the chance. If I do not respond within a few days its usually because I am busy or I know I will just see the...$F$6_3y/ LOVE
I am spoiling this, here it goes... Spoiler I am not really one to vent much, but I shall give it a shot: I do not vent to others very often, if at all ever. Perhaps its because I would feel insecure or maybe because I want to look like the stronger one for moral support. I have others vent to me alot, so I guess I just want to look strong for their sake. So I guess its a mix of arrogance and a care for others. I can't tell you how many times I have made my friends vent to me. I guess I just want to be a good friend. Even though I do it so often, it would still feel odd to me to let others return the favor. I am a bit odd, and I seem to obsess over psychology. Like really obsess. When I found out my grandfather died while I was in history class I was sad on the outside, but a voice in my head was questioning why I felt sad, why I cried, why do we have emotions. It was a mix of grief and logic. I still don't understand it. I just came to the conclusion humans are odd. And yes, I speak from an outsider's point of view. I once tried to date a girl off of here and it ended rather badly. Now whenever I think of dating there is the thought it will end badly or things will get awkward that sits in the back of my mind. I act arrogant at times, but usually its just because my friends are nice and allow me to do it. Its fun, but arrogance is not always a good thing. When I look in the mirror I don't really believe what I see. I wonder if it's really me (I usually don;t look in the mirror and just look at myself as a person rather than by actually looking at myself) or wonder what others think of me. And then I usually wonder how many people really do judge and disregard me based off of appearance. I supposedly have alot of friends at school, I just wonder why they are my friends. Do they like me for me? Do they like me because they think I am "special"? How many people really think I am smart? Its questions like these that make me really think. While looking through this tread I feel somewhat guilty for only skimming the posts that stand out rather than giving more through to all the rest. Sorry bout that. I have deleted about half of the things I have typed in this very post up to this point XD God knows what I will do after I click post XD Oh, I have no idea whats out there in the so called after life, so I reject nearly everything with the excuse "I will find out when I get there". I thought of that what I said God knows above. I like "emo" people for some reason. I don't know why, I am usually an optimistic person. I just have a special place in my heart for them I guess. This leads me back to part number 3. I just feel some kind of connection with them. I over analyse alot, but never feel the need to judge a person. It makes no sense, but I guess it just goes back to numbers 1 and 2. I suppose I could go on and on, but if I do others will probably pity me for putting others before myself. I do not want pity, so I shall stop here. I am going to attempt to click post now before number one gets the better of me. I already regret it and I have not even clicked post yet T.T
I am wonderful actually :D I have been oddly over peppy as of late XD No idea why.
Hey, how are you? XD Acrinims for the win XD
Sorry for the late responses, i am on skype XD I am sorry if I do not respond or say anything lol. Take no offence, its a bad habit of mine XD
lol Okay, now I can accept that it is the end LOL
lol I think out of all the groups on my list... I only made one of them LOL And it crashed and burned from my own lack of interest XD
lol What is it you are trying to show me?
lol Hey, you are a part of it XD You care if I get rid of it? XD I got it from Sora's Apprentice and he says he doesn't care XD
No, you look XD [IMG]
That which has an end always has a beginning. Who cares what order it goes in? XD
"Oops! Google Chrome could not find iceicebaby.recylingbin" Tis only the beginning XD