lol More then usual? XD
lol I am assuming your response was saying something like I was the person you absolutely hated XD Checking now XD My old computer got a virus....
Have I told you about my old computer? What happened to it?
lol Depends, anybody you ABSOLUTELY hate? XD
I used to be able to do it, sadly that was a long time ago XD Oh, and I have the urge to do something evil XD Like REALLY evil XD
lol Kay .
What a coinkydink, as did I XD What was your dream of? :o
I am pretty good :D Anything awesome happen since we last spoke? :D
No problem man lol. So, how are you?
LOL I don't know the text you speak of, I recall no mix up. Then again we sent many messages, which one was it? I got that an appointment was...
lol Its not on. I don't even have it on me XD Give me a sec lol.
lol Afraid not. What was it?
I am pretty good :) Anything awesome happen since we last spoke? :D
lol "Something you may like :D"
I am sorry, but I must go to bed. I have school tomorrow T.T Night man, I wish you luck with your problems. I am here to talk about it if you...
I really like the side my side comparison of them all. I mean, I noticed it was a pair of three, but I never really pieced it all together in my...
lol No worries, I don't judge. You could go on and on all you wanted and I would have disregarded it all if you asked me to XD [spoiler]
Sweet. The internet is grand ain't it? It lets you talk to people all the way on the other side of a country lol. I looked at your about me before...
lol No worries. Your mind just ran away with you, happens all the time XD I usually just end up talking to myself XD
Nah, not to me. I didn't see you as a bad person. Really, if you believe you have a reason to fight then are you a bad person? I guess it depends...