Oh yeah wasn't that one for the Dreamcast?
Mm, he's Remaking the Hobbit and also making a sequal to it which bridges the gap between the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. If it were any other director, I might be apprehensive.
Good thing I got a spare just lying around.
Guillermo Del Toro <3 Can't wait for The Hobbit.
So... uh?
Wtf, everyone knows about Earthbound. :/ Not sure how well known this particular game is:
Does my tinypic not show? D:
Yeah...more money is spent on cures for Baldness then on Malaria research and treatment. Fun stuff.
...That's it.
Dude I will kill your butthole. Back off.
Diego, you wanna fucking die...go?
Tim and Eric are so fucking Genius.
lol, you're so nice. I guess a free KHII:FM+ really was too good to be true. XD
Maybe the US Postal Service has a few mental handicaps as of late.
Seriously, what is wrong with you? See that huge chunk right there? The big red one? The one with Christianity on it? Yeah it take up 33% of that graph. Aka 1/3rd. Aka 1 in every 3 people around the world are Christian. This 1:3 ratio is the same thing with the chances of a person being Christian. Taking out Non-religious and Atheists(because we're talking just religious people here), the Percentage goes up to about 42%. That's a little less then Half. Yes, there are certainly other religions, but chances are, if you are a Religious Person, you are Christian. Don't make ****ing excuses to argue. You're new to this site, I'm sure you think "Oh my god, I'm so smart, I need to show everyone how smart I am by acting tough and saying things like I know what I'm talking about.". Get this straight, because if you don't, you won't make it far here, This is a place for Debate. Not for argument. Not for telling a person not to complain, or to stand up for themselves, you don't have that right. Granted, you can have your opinion, but don't going spouting off on random tangents like you're the only one with a brain and few good fingers to articulate your random impulses of thought. EDUCATE YOURSELF before you start ****. I can say this because I do research before I post, if I didn't, I'd look stupid. You obviously don't, because you look pretty stupid. Get over yourself. Now either this thread goes back on topic, or I'm asking for closure altogether.