Okay, I get it now...let me guys know if there's any "The World That Never Was" Codes
I understand playing KH but shrek?
Ohhhh, I see...so it's like what you see on what Riku does during battle. I see what you mean, I'm just making sure if my example's right
Oh so you mean like, moves that you see in the abilities section on the menu?
Gotcha....umm...what the heck is a moveset mod code? (sorry, this is the first time I've ever done this)
The cat knows cooking...interesting
Nonononono....I mean like I know I'm going to label them myself but I mean like of course I don't know once I enter the code it's not necessarily gonna tell me whats gonna happen What I mean is, like your going to tell me what you want me to look for...something like that
Now it became the TOASTER OF DOOM!!!!! and right now, he retired and owns two islands across the pacific
I get your point there, but what I mean is the label on what the code is supposed to do
But That Was My Toaster!!!
How bout reaction commands like his auras?
OMG!!! Don't give it to the darkside!!! They already have cookies!!! BEHOLD THE PENGUIN OF DOOM!!!!
hmmmm..I guess you make a strong point about posts as well as sections, so I guess this would work out pretty well
Looks like these codes are going to be a while, PM me when you have codes. But you're going to label it right?
No seriously, they're not a couple anymore, Roxas went to Alice
NOPE......not anymore, you've been gone for 100 years my friend
lol, but seriously, he does not look evil here's a pic of him THIS DOES NOT LOOK EVIL!!!!
Try "Earth, Wind and Fire" and "Dave Koz"
Any codes yet for TWTNW?