I thought it was still broke? xD And it sucks we have to wait on the 360 people. They're getting it anyways so not like it'd kill them to release them at different dates.
People care about FFXIII? I thought everyone wanted versus.
Madi radi cadi padi fadi tadi dadi badi ladi yadi wadi vadi madi =D
Meh, no biggie. FF was on the SNES in the early years after all. Its not all that surprising. You release on multiple platforms, you get more money. And with the cost of making big games on these systems, they'll need every penny. Even Capcom didnt keep Megaman 9 exclusive to the Wii. Eventually games wont be exclusive anymore, but thats just life~ Also: I guess the 360 just gets FFXIII lol
Matt is an allusion for me ;3
I shall await for you and your awesomeness. Dont be a stranger now, I miss you from time to time you know~
Told ya.
I shall retrieve the convo with my powahz!
Me too, you were nicer :'D And I didnt have to witness you drunk.
I missed rosey >:
You were creeped out too? Yay, im not alone :D
How creepy o:
Shooooooppppp And then hopefully grey is there so I can hear his Kira laugh.
Shooooopppp And then after I party with patrick, I party with Sarah <3
HB......... I miss joo <:
Shooooooooooopppppp Im partying with patrick <3
Folksou- I mean Folklore! :D 30 dollars would be quite a nice deal. It make some of those older games alot more tempting to buy. And yes, thank god there isnt any bright yellow on those things xD.
I wish I was within hugging distance of madi o: