I played it~ I play it almost every day lol. Immaterial is good, especially for a doujin game, although I love BigBangBeat much more. But getting to use all the Touhou characters in a fighter is pretty awesome, especially when you're a fan of the series. I got Scarlet Weather Rhapsody too but I havent played it yet, I've been trying to beat Imperishable Night on Lunatic.
Omg, there she is!
For those who missed the big 3 at E3, here's Penny Arcade's extremely accurate and easy to follow summary: http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/7/16/
Wouldnt he have to be around for us to talk to him?
You took her and not me? D:
And every hot girl with a camera is a photographer.
September members get no love? D:
Well I have no clue where Tallian went after he left here and after Roxas was banned like 8 times, I did occasionally talk to him on MSN. And you know you totally were the hottest asian girl here.
Well in comparison to the older days, not so much. But yes, I suppose its active enough for a KH forum when no KH games have come out in like, forever lol. Still being a lovely asian?
Rocking on my guitar, slaying random demons, staying up even though I got work in a few hours. The usual~
Is alive! I figured she exploded o:
I see you really love food <:
Well not necessarily. I mean, we just need the oxygen so that it can be delivered to the body.
If you do it long enough without taking any air in~
I understand. Because I go into there and end up sighing till im passed out <:
I haetz ppl dat make posts cumplaning bout othr ppl ): You rock Kay<3
The new Joker doesnt smile though. He killed my joy ;_;
But now I get to **** Patrick. So its a win situation.
I shall be Madiyasha now since she disappeared and became some jam swallowing organism o:
lol, sexmuffin.