Wuss. >.> /fillerz/
I gotta spread the lurve before reppin' again. Ris is a rep whore. D:
I thought LF was a girl!?!? :bored: OEI! If Kairi_Li93 gots 100 reps, why isn't she pink?! :(
;.; I envy your win. DON'T BE HAYATE PLZ.
I think banning recess would be pretty damn dumb if you ask me. All elementary students should have at least a 15-30 minute recess. They don't have the attention span we older kids do to concentrate on studies for hours and hours on end. They at least need a break to relax, run off some steam, and give their tiny brains a break. Teachers will have a hell of a time without recess, since kids would get cranky as hell and not care to learn a thing. Yeah, it wastes school time, and there's bullies out the wazoo, but it would be a lot better than a bunch of screaming children wreaking havoc during class time altogether.
I played Rock Lee's theme song, and the Database Errors went away. They fear the win.
Lee pwns it with the LOTUS!
Better the squirrels than Lee. He's already had enough of that. D: Look at his eyyyyyyyyes! :3
Robin pwns moar. Christmas tree colored TIGHTS!
Gaara follows teh butterflies. :3
Lol, the sunglasses. XD
I think he's Superman instead.
Holy crap Temari. XD
*hits you with uber pwnage*
XDD Wraawg.