Nobody can stop Lee. >D Not even Gaara if he had another chance. :3 Back on topic..
Thank you Arc. You saved me. XD
I lurve you Arc. =D
Did you see Lee on a waterbed? Tell plz.
I know. I before T except after fawking Z. D< I fail at life. D:
XDDD I know.
The fat tubby one. >.>
I pwn hard.
Mah humps, mah humps mah humps mah humps. Mah humps mah humps, mah LURVLY LADY LUMPS! D:
I wish I could be like you DW. But then I'd fail life more than I do now. D:
Not meh. /FILLERZ/
Quite. ^^ Leetardism is a wonderful religion. XD
NARUTO HUNDO! *exploded*
I'm sorry. I shall take you off immeadatly.
I'm 8th, actually. I'm immortial. Despite opening the 8th Gate, I cannot die! If I do, it is 1000 one-handed push-ups with a cement block on my back!
Hope life improves Arc! =D
You don't understand the POWER OF YOUTH! >D I shall edjamacate you.
^ You rock my socks for that.