*catches all the hearts*
You can always buy the soundtrack on Ebay...
Yeah...:( Thank you Sandra. XD
@_@ Bunny is lurved.
Not really. Art thieving is basically when someone takes a copy of someone's work when it's been copyrighted, and says it's theirs. I have yet to see someone here in this thread post that they drew this picture themselves on PhotoShop a few days ago and uploaded it on DeviantArt. We're just getting pictures off of Photobucket or whatever, and posting them here. Look up 'Rock Lee' in the search, and you'll find hundreds of the same pictures I've posted on different people's albums. I don't think they would be stealing the art, just having it there for the enjoyment of looking at the sex everyone now and then. ...I wanna see Lee without pants... I thought you said Lee?!?!? :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored:
You have my attention.
Blizzard the candles. Make sure you smash the chairs first, they'll only get in your way.
...It is?! BWAAAAH! :D
Nobody can beat Rock Lee's sseeeeexx! >D
D: D: D: </3
NO! He'd be over MEEEEE! D<
What's with the thing Arc? Group? Da Freak: XD
Awaaawaaah! I do I do I do! :D
i ain't givin' da freak mah 3:50 back off lulz
Group? Yah, if I can find it. XD
I lurve you too Arc. =D @ Kitty: D: </3
*cough cough* I have a statement, but it might get mah banned. D:
Better Eclipse than me. :D