Do automatic flushing toilets clog? :blink:
(DX Now what's happening? Gawd XD)
That's...wonderful. I can't wait. -_-
I did. I've had them off for like, 3 years.
(Good grief, dinner?! XD It's 2 in the morning here. And you're right...I fixed it to chan. I fail.) Lee tumbled off of the rooftop in a heap, attracting stares. "Erm..I will see you later, then?" (I'm off to bed. XD)
My god, they've ruined every anime alive. If Naruto's next, I'm SUEING.
Lee yelped as Rayce sped by him, almost crushing his foot. He spotted Ino on the rooftops, cussing. He leapt up beside her. "Ino-chan, what is wrong? Did Sakura get a day with Sasuke all to herself again?"
(Thank you. XD What's going on?)
You're my hero! XDDDDD
(OOC: I hate to intrude, but can I get Rock Lee? ^^;)
I honestly don't care either. I'm not going to be here in 5 billion years anyway...and we're screwed much earlier than that anyway.
I truely feel sorry for you ChocoKitten. That must really suck royal asz. I'd say scrwe it...I would never last a month in a Christian schoo.... Not too long ago, there was a lady who came to another forum I'm on, and tried to get every damn person on the forum to stop reading Harry Potter, read the Bible more, stand against gay rights, and so forth. Lol, we flamed her untill she begged to be banned. I even stated Harry Potter's my religion. *which it is, pretty much* She said I'm the biggest sinner of all. XDDDD I'd rather be a big time sinner than not read my HP.
I mostly believe in Evolution. It makes a lot more sense. If I'm right (which I'm probably not, I've only been to church once in my life) the Bible states that God made the earth and crap in "a week." I find it impossible for someone to make planet and such in a week. Even for a man in his power, it sounds phoney. The fact that a universe was somehow created and a bunch of asteroids combined to make a planet or whatever sounds a lot more realistic. Evolution wins.
I'm getting my wisdoms pulled in less than a year. .-. That's all.
I think at least one GIF in a sig's fine. It doesn't really matter to me; my computer's not really affected in any way. :I
OOC: Yeah, from the beginning?
Jesus. XDDDDD This made my day.
OOC: Lol, mmkuy.
I agree. I find it terrible that parents actually lack the brains in that show. I find it kinda funny, since they look like dimwitted monkeys to me. I remember one episode...this girl threw a damn fit because her car didn't come on the day of her party. Threw off everything, apparently. Those girls need a SLAP IN THE FACE.
Y e a h , b u t s h e d o e n s ' t a n y m o r e .