Alright, I think I'm done e_e it was hard to make the text fit.
I'm still tweaking it, but thanks.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I order you all to bow down to my new sig.
I know the text at the top is hard to read, it's meant to be like that. Your opinions?
Yea, and an anime. First anime I ever watched on Youtube.
Beloved. Hah, it can be a Loveless reference as well.
Yea.... Anyway, I was thinking of maybe getting a second name change. Saiai. I didn't notice till now, but it can be a play on the plot of MTNN, with Sai and Ai. Though at first, looking at the meaning of the word Saiai, in Japanese, it is a nice doesn't fit me, but I like the meaning.
It's better if you didn't know.
Yet again, an empty statement to simply slip by and avoid thought. Things like this, among a few other reasons, push me to want to join the CKS, or at least follow that one anon.
Did you not read that at all? Honestly, I don't get how you seem to slip by everyday like that.
It just is. You're lucky where you live, being ignorant can be taken as a seriously offensive thing in some places. A crime in others. Personally I don't give a damn where you live, or where I live, I still take is as an offence.
Two months is enough, mush less two years. Man you're dense, to the point of it being offensive. Try using your brain a little for once.
Really now, what's it been, a year and a half? I'm not teasing. You're just not thinking. Twin: I got a nosebleed from sneezing multiple times all day. I would stay away from dust if it makes you sneeze.
Old man, old man, will you ever see? Can't you, don't you see at all, that stictly talking facts is not how I go about things? Now you're just being silly. You can sleep however much you want, regardless of the day of the week. Your brain is getting dusty, maybe you should dust it off a bit before you try another reading this over again?
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Damn, I need a name change again.
Old man: She's not really lucky. You can also sleep as much as you want, unless you have a sleeping disorder.
Who said I was arguing?, Was that not the WHOLE point of what I said? The falls you take for something, in this case, that is a large fall to be calculated in, among many others I could name.
Whether you where joking or not, please, at least take heed of this. Quitting school, it is really your choice in the end, but make sure that you've really thought things over, know what's at stake know what's to gain. The Invisible Pink Unicorn teaches wisdom to be the greatest power of all, school can teach you that knowledge. Those same words, can be applied to other things as well. Just remember the falls you have to take for the prize, it's up to you if it's worth it or not.
Don't make a stupid choice now, don't do something you'll regret.