I'm an addict for dramatics I confuse the two for love You can tell me don't beg Liar (liar) If we're keeping score We're all choir boys at best (Intrusive and arrogant) I should be studying instead of this.
I guess you didn't realize. The last part was directed to you.
Ah, those, now I know that you're talking about. Give me another minute and I'll try to find what they are. No problem. :3 Oh yea, in case anyone here doesn't know, I'm Kikame, I got a name change a month or two ago.
It's true you know.
Maybe you saw it already then. Feel like really doing something that's been on your mind? Like all the sudden "I WANNA PET A DOG" so you walk out of the house to find a dog. So say you, Mr. nothing origional or new.
Woah, the internet drug looks cooler than I remembered. I SHOULD PUT IT IN MY SIG AND HELP CONTROL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. BWAHAHAHAHA
True, it still isn't to great, but it is better than most translators. I could try something, I have something that maybe a bit better than a translator, not totally sure it will work, but I can try. Okami is epic win. Jin: Virtue Gi: Sacrifice / justice, honor / Ceremony , rule )You'll have to show me the kanji of it, I can't tell you what one of those it would be without it.) Rei: courtesy (again, I may need the kanji) Chi: Child / blood / foolish (need Kanji) Chuu: Heart, mind / loyalty (need the Kanji) Shin: truth , pure / trial, healing / faith trust (once more, I need the kanji >_<) Kou: Peace, composure / always, everlasting / flood , vast / resist (Kanji please) Tei: Chastity, constancy / correcting / resist/ There a quite a bit of meanings, if you could, please post the kanji letters, so I can reference it against the thing I have.
Is you leaving us so soon depressing? Does it leave you in... despair?
Old man: But what do you mean by you wrote it down, you you mean you wrote the timetable? e_e I don't really get it... I have a time table telling me what I have as well, I know what it is, I just don't get the way you worded it. Twin: but do you know that for sure?
Old man: Sorry, but that made no sence to me, could you reword that please? Twin: That's not necessarily true
Old Man: What does the Strat. stand for? Yes, each a 45 minute class, 4 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon. Bell rings at 8:45, then we have till 9 to get ready, after 9 we start class. At 3:30 we leave for home. Twin: ...It's simple to me. The classes seem really long if you only have 4...
Old Man: It's not on one set period, it's on certain ones depending on the day it is. Day 1: 1st and 2nd Day 2: 3rd Day 3: 5th and 6th Day 4: 1st and 2nd Day 5: 1st Day 6: 7th and 8th Twin: Biology is interesting, it's not an actual subject yet though. Not for my grade anyway. Sounds like shops class. I still love my shirt from that~
Um... a lot of them. Depends on what day we're talking about.
English is my easiest class, our teacher is just...wow.
No, an otaku joke. Level E from VK, Level 5 from HnNKn.
If you have a sentence, for the most part it can get it right, but some things just...don't work. Also, bablefish works about 50 times better.
Picking fights with LE's? Or was that L5's? Ahahaha
Yea, that damn blood sucker was pretty great.
Because I feel like it. Originally I was just gonna put it at the start, but I dunno, I felt like putting it everywhere. Who knows with that Kiryu, he always was a bad seed. Ahaha >_> I was kidding, in case any of you thought otherwise.
Aww, darn it, I shouldn't have read the answer, I was close to figuring it out too. >_< Except some characters I don't know yet. Yes, Translators epic fail. Never ever trust them. Weird...I usually have to wash it ever day or every other day. >_<