You're all banned for trying to take down the site... no seriously... (J/K... of course)
meh... bored... got nothing to do but post befoe work....
That's all i needed to hear... well anyways... read the rules, post lots, have fun AND NO DN SPOILERS!
an arrow that is pointing to your username
Hi! and kinda bye... i have to go to work soon... *sigh* 18272
@Angel Banned for Yo Momma jokes
10 episodes... :( 18182
18180 ... umm... MISA WUBS J00!!!
I'm not even going to dignify that with a post... oh wait... too late...
27 Let's hope Near doesn't eat those puzzle peices... 18178
MISA IS HAPPY! FOR SHE GETS IT! *pushes Misa* no, i get it.
SHOOP DA WHOOP! Haven't done that in a Hwhile... hiya 6000th post in our family thread! yayes! we have 6000 posts! *confetti*
*dances like a pineapple* 18174
lawl that is all
suuuuuuuure they are...
how can you dance like a pineapple? 18167
18163 YOU MARRY MISA, YES?! MISA HAVE DEATH NOTE TOO! (feeling so damn random)
*drags into war* 18159
18157 LYRIC WAR!!! Hey hey, you you,...