Yo Slip sup ^^
Well guys yeah here it is Play as Terra code so yeah btw im not gonna release the code it was made for fun but im thiking of releasing my other code "Terra Doesn't Attack" so yeah oh and also nobody should copy that code and take credit for it so yeah XD Terra Doesn't Attack: Code: 211fbce8 011fc020 211fbcf8 011fc020 211fbd08 011fc020 211fbd18 011fc020 211fbd28 011fc020 211fbd58 011fc020 211fbd68 011fc020 211fbd78 011fc020 211fbd88 011fc020 211fbda8 011fc020 211fbdd8 011fc020 211fbde8 011fc020 211fbdf8 011fc020 211fbe08 011fc020 211fbe18 011fc020 211fbe28 011fc020 211fbe38 011fc020 211fbe48 011fc020 211fbe58 011fc020
211fbce8 011fc020 211fbcf8 011fc020 211fbd08 011fc020 211fbd18 011fc020 211fbd28 011fc020 211fbd58 011fc020 211fbd68 011fc020 211fbd78 011fc020 211fbd88 011fc020 211fbda8 011fc020 211fbdd8 011fc020 211fbde8 011fc020 211fbdf8 011fc020 211fbe08 011fc020 211fbe18 011fc020 211fbe28 011fc020 211fbe38 011fc020 211fbe48 011fc020 211fbe58 011fc020
lol kk ill try to complete the code ^^
thanks ^^...
kk goodluck and no Prob
oh hmm well then how about jump before reverting/transformin
^^" lol thanks :D
he NOPed his attacks
hmm i think it must have try pressing [] and tell me what happens cause by pressing square it should do his finisher
hmm then try changing the Master code
yeah revert before changing areas ^^" lol why didnt you do Xaldin,Larxen and Xemasn feeling to lazy :P lol yeah i tried to make an effects mod by seeing roxas effects code BUT the address and digits brought me no where except in the middle of some codes ^^" oh and NICE im looking forward to that vid of yours XD tried that but it doesnt replace the weapon thats why i asked ^^"
but razor those arent all the codes O_0
lol yeah and RAZOR you finaly came online ^^
yeah but most probably it wont work lol yeah but only one and its in the videos section EDIT: Also guys can someone tell me how can i wield Axel,Xigbar,Saix's weapon ?? since i replace kingdom key with it but the game freezes please help :'(
The following will walk you through the steps of manually entering codes to the GameShark 2 version 1.x, 2.x, 3, 4, and 5.x. 1. At the main menu of the GameShark go to “Select Game”, “Select Cheats”, or “Expert Cheat Mode” and press [X] on your controller. 2. Press the [O] button on your controller. You will either get a virtual keyboard or a small window that says “Add/Cancel”. Move to “Add” and press [X] on your controller, if you get the window that says “Add/Cancel”. Type the name of your game using the virtual keyboard. Once you are done entering the name of the game, move to "OK" or the enter key, which looks like an arrow pointing to the left with a bend on the end of the arrow, and press [X] on your controller. 3. You will see the name of the game you entered on the list with the other games on the GameShark. Press right on your controller’s directional pad, while your cursor is on the name of the game. This will open a new window that has the name of the game at the top of the screen. Press your [O] button and select “Add” if it asks to “Add/Cancel”. You will then need to type in the name of your cheat. The first cheat name you will want to enter is the “[M] Must Be On” or “Master Code”. You can enter the letter "M" (without the quotations) as the name and move to "OK" or the enter key and press [X] on your controller. 4. You will now see the letter "M" you just typed in. Press right on the directional pad of your controller. You will open a new screen that has the letter "M" at the top of the page. Press your [O] button and select “Add”, if it asks you to “Add/Cancel”. Enter in the cheat code you found on our website and move to "OK" or the enter key and press [X] on your controller. If the cheat has more than one line of code, press your [O] button again and select “Add”, if it asks you to “Add/Cancel”. Type in the next code and move to "OK" or the enter key and press [X] on your controller. Repeat this process until all of the codes are entered for the “[M] Must Be On” or “Mastercode”. 5. When you are done entering the codes for the “[M] Must Be On” or “Mastercode”, press left on your controller’s directional pad to go back to the cheat description screen. To add the next cheat, repeat steps 3-4. It is the same process as the “[M] Must Be On’ or “Mastercode”. The only difference is you will want to name the cheats differently. 6. Once you are done entering all of the codes you want, you can now activate them by going to the screen that has the cheat descriptions and pressing your [X] button on the cheats you want activated. The cheats will begin to flash indicating they are active. The “[M] Must Be On” or “Mastercode” will automatically activate itself as soon as you activate any of the other cheats. 7. When ready to start the game, press start on your controller. You will either be brought to the main menu or see an option to start game with cheats. If you are brought to the main menu, move to start game and press [X] on your controller. If you see the option to start the game with the cheats on, select “Yes”. The GameShark will eject (If you have the full size PS2) and ask you to take the GameShark out and put in your game. Press [X] on your controller, after you insert your game in the PS2 and the game will load. 8. If you have the new Slim PS2, you will need to press the eject button for the tray to open. The Slim PS2 gives you about 6 seconds to eject the tray before it tries to load. If you wait too long, it thinks you have inserted the game and will try and load. Once the lid is open on the PS2, it will not try and load until the lid is closed. If the PS2 tries to load before you can press the eject button, you will need to reset the PS2, load the GameShark back up and activate the cheats again. 9. The cheats you activated should be active when the game starts. Some cheats have special procedures that you will need to follow when the game starts, in order for the cheat to work. The cheats that require a special procedure will have that procedure written next to the cheat on our cheat list. 10. If you are using the GameShark Gamecodes with or without the Media Player and are adding the cheats manually, you will need to reset the Playstation 2 after the new cheats have been saved. Once the GameShark loads back up, you can then activate the cheats you added and start the game. If you try and activate the codes after saving them, they will not work. You need to reset the PS2 first before they will work. Attention GameShark 2 v1.2 and v1.3 Users There is an issue when adding a cheat that has multiple lines of codes. When you start to add the second line of code, the cursor starts you at the end of the code. If you delete the code that is there, you will not be able to enter the complete new code. You will only be able to add 14 characters of the code, when in fact there are 16 characters that need to be entered. To solve this problem, you wi Source(s): http://www.gameshark.com/linkto.asp?url=http://www.madcatz.com/faq/
like i told you before the weapon Swap and the moveset mod code crashes DS since DS can't handle that much modding and so the code crashes the game
hmmm but wasn't the other code also suppose to release with it??
Thanks :) ..
thanx and yeah the songs one of my fav XD
lol yeah and thanx ^_^