YAAAY! Hyper FTW! :roll: Hyper buddies!
I'm 'onna go get hyper right now... *Eats candy* We can be hyper buddies! =D
X.X *Is glomped* If this is calm, what's hyper?
I really have absoloutely no idea. ^^ But I agree with Rosey.
CtR, I don't think I've ever gotten as hyper as you are now... You've broken a world record! Hurray for you!
OOC: Deathsight, what quiz did you take to get your signature?
OOC: >_> <_< BUSTED! LMAO, sorry, couldn't help it... xD EDIT: ZOMG, 7 people viewing? whoa.
OOC: Sure.
OOC: ZOMG HI. >.> I missed everything.
I SAY YES. Do I win?
OOC: What with all these people who like to mix Naruto with KH? x.x I don't even like Naruto. BIC: Silently, Xinaram followed Reixa. 'I guess I'm not going to win...' She almost facepalmed when she saw where they were. 'What are you doing, Rei?'
"Know what?" Xin asked.
"Rei," Xin growled, "We shouldn't have interfered in the first place. This isn't our problem!" She pulled her hood up as well.
Before portalling out with the others, Roxas turned towards Reixa and Xinaram. "Why do you care about what happens to Axel? I thought you were our enemies." "I don't like to see anyone die." Xin answered. "Even if they are enemies. It's not right to wish death on someone." Roxas simply nodded, before portalling. "Rei, Xangel, let's go to Twilight Town or something. I don't feel like going to the castle right now." She said.
"I can, my ablility is Telekinesis." Xin offered. "No," Roxas said. "I will. He's my best friend." He was going to ask why they were offering to help, but didn't think there was time.
Xin shut her eyes, until she heard footsteps behind her, turning, her hood sliped off, but she didn't care. She saw a boy about her age, with blonde hair spiked up. Roxas noticed the three people he didn't know, but quickly ran past them, seeing his friend dying, sitting in a puddle of blood against the wall. "Axel!" he called, kneeling next to him. His coat soaked up some of the blood. "Axel..." Xin couldn't stand this. Something had to be done to at least try to save him, and no one else was doing anything. "Rei... Go get Larpex." She commanded. She wasn't even sure if Larpex could do anything, but it was worth a try... OOC: >.> ... YAY ME. YAY CHULA!
"We can't do anything about it, Rei. Not unless we got Larpex over here...." She trailed off, again looking towards Axel. She was sure she could see small wisps of darkness floating off above him, and the wound was really deep.... Would Larpex even be able to heal it? OOC: My mom ordered the stuff for my costume this morning! =D Bat wings Dress And then I got some red and black striped tights. =D
"Rei, this isn't any of our buisness, we need to go back to Shrouded City." She said. She didn't want Axel to die, but this was Organization XIII's problem.
Tired of wandering, Xin simply closed her eyes and portalled to Rei's location. She looked down at her, making sure only Rei could see her green eyes. (OOC: If you didn't read my last post, Xin has her hood up.) Looking over towards Axel afterwards, she widened her eyes at his condition(Not that anyone could see). He was still breathing, suprisingly, but she could have sworn she saw a wisp of darkness. 'No way... He's not...' she thought. "What... happened?" she asked Reixa. "And why are you two here anyway?" 'Though I could ask myself the same question...'
OOC: I haven't memorized TWTNW, where's Addled impasse? xD. O.O I SAW DEATH NOTE. IT WAS AWWWWESOME. X.X The dub isn't as good as the japanese version to me, but still. IT'S AWWWWESOME.