OOC: Not really, and I just got up even though it's 9:30, so I can't write a summary for you. Sorry ^^;.
Could I be a KH character? If not I'll just be Pikachu. (I play as him best in the games x3) If I can be a KH Character, can I be Sora?
OOC: When is Chula-Claire gonna come back? Lol, I can't do anything until she does.
OOC: Lol, Deathsight, you're so evil it's scary. BIC: Xadyn walked alon the streets of Twilight Town, making sure all of the people who lived there were alright. In Tram Common, he saw someone walking around. His senses told him he was a Nobody, but at the moment, he didn't care. After he had looked around the whole town, it had been about three hours. He portalled to his room. 'We need to have a meeting soon.' He thought.
OOC: D: You are a very twisted, evil person. You fail. xD Just kidding. ...About the you fail part. =P
OOC: I'm back from school. ZOMG, It's actually Friday! =D
She gave a weak smile. "Light brown. There was a blue streak in the front." "Rei, what do you think I should do? I know you wouldn't like it if I left, but..." The pain returned. "Argh..." She closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was in the exact same place that she was when she fell in her hometown. And she wasn't Xinaram. "What... Why am I back here..." she whispered to herself. 'You didn't have much of a chance to look around last time, did you? I'll be sure to give you more than enough time now.' "Who are you?" 'You won't find out.' She almost screamed. what/whoever was putting her through this, she hated it. "Rina, are you okay?" her two friends ran up to her. Marina got up, and said, "Yeah... I'm fine." "You've sure changed. You're so quiet. Like something's bothering you." "Nothing's bothering me. It's been five years, of course I'm going to change..." she said. "Yeah, right. We still remember you, you know." "Yeah. Tell us what's bothering you." "If I told you, you'd think I were insane." Rina told them. "We don't care. We'll believe you." "No matter how crazy your story is." "Fine, let's get to my house, then." The three of them walked down the street towards Marina's house. Marina opened the door. It creaked as it opened, but that was to be expected, the house was older than she was. She walked in, and saw that the house looked a lot different from when she left. The many pictures she remembered to be hanging on the walls weren't there, but many other decorations hung. "Mom?" She called. She heard something break. 'Oh, god.' she thought. 'Maybe this was a bad idea..' A woman with short hair about the same color as Marina's rushed down the stairs. "Oh... My... God! Where have you been? It's been-" "Five years, I know." She rolled her eyes at her mom's excitement, and wondered how she would react to the story, and the fact that she would more than likely have to return to the castle. Now that everyone she trusted was there, she told the story. And about the "dream". Though it wasn't a dream to them, the whole thing was a dream to her. "So now, you have to choose?" one of her friends asked. "Basically, yeah. It's just... I'm not sure which one. I haven't actually been a normal person for the past five years. It's... hard." Rina answered. "Stay where your heart takes you. Even... Even if it's not with me. I don't mind." Her mom said. She didn't mention that in her other life, she was a Nobody. In fact, she had totally forgotten. 'How could I forget something like that...' she thought. Normally, that would have been one of the first things she mentioned, and she forgot. " It's getting late..." the voice said. "If you want to get back for the night, you'd better hurry... You know, it's sunset..." "Sorry, I have to go. Bye..." Marina said, walking back to the front door. Once outside, she raced towards the spot where she had woken up. The sun had set all the way. "You said I'd have more time." She said. "You have all the time you want, unless you want to make your friend worried. Go ahead, take a look around." "Xinaram is sleeping, isn't she." "Of course." Not being able to use the wind as she normally did, Marina walked around the block once, to see what had changed. She didn't see much, a few old houses were repainted, and there were a few more dogs roaming around. "Can I go back now?" She asked. "I can't begin to imagine why you would want to, but go ahead. Close your eyes." She did, and as they opened, she once again was Xinaram. "Rei..." Xinaram said, tiredly, "How long was I gone that time? They said it was longer..."
"I... I can't remember a lot of what happened, but I know that I actually... Felt. I could actually feel happy." She hesitated, trying to decide whether to tell the next part or not. "...I have two days. I need to decide whether or not..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "...I want to become a Somebody again."
"Thanks..." She walked through the darkness with her friend. It led to the Main room. She sat down on one of the couches, and started, "I... was fighting, and I just suddenly fell to the ground. I woke up, and... I wasn't me. I was Marina, you know, my Somebody. And I was in... My hometown. It didn't feel like a dream at all. I'm not sure it was one..."
"I... Had a dream... I think. I'm not sure..." She said. Looking down, she whispered, "Two... Days..." "I need to tell you something. Let's go back to the castle, the heartless are gone anyway." She tried to open a corridor, but couldn't. She didn't feel weak... 'What's happening to me...' she thought.
'I'm near the Item shop. There are Heartless everywh-'Her message as cut off by something. Xinaram felt a pain on the back of her head, and fell to the ground. 'What... What's going on....' she thought. She suddenly found herself in a town. She didn't recognize it, but... It was familiar. Standing up, she noticed she wasn't the same. Her hair was longer, and it was light brown color, with a midnight blue streak in the front. She took another look around. 'Wait... It's... It's my home! How did I get back?' she thought. Everything was how it had been, even after what she counted as five years. It had been that long, she remembered. The strange little shadow she found. As a student helper, she walked swiftly through the halls, when she saw that one shadow. To her, it was cute. How naive. She didn't know what it was, so she just kept walking. As she walked away, it jumped on her, peircing her skin with it's claws, and she fell. It quickly stole her heart, and she faded. 'I wonder...'Xin thought, 'If everyone else is okay...' She sped down the street to the neighborhood, in which she used to live. She saw everything she remembered. Small childrem playing in the street, teenagers leaning on walls, talking and gossiping. She felt happy. She actually felt. "Rina! Is... Is it actually you? Where were you?" Xin heard a girl say. She remembered the nickname, from when she was actually in school. She turned to see two girls running up to her. Friends from before. "Yeah... It's... Me. For real." She smiled. Her first real smile in five years. Xin, or 'Rina', didn't know what was going on. How she got there, how she could feel, or anything, but... it was awesome. "We have got to get over to your place. Your mom went crazy when you went missing." one of her friends said. "I... I will later. Uh.. I need to go somewhere first." She ran off. "Wait! Rina!" Rina ran back to the spot she woke up at. 'Rei... She must be worried sick!' She tried, but couldn't contact anyone. None of her... Friends. Falling, she felt another pain in her head. "So... Are you staying?" A voice said. "What?" Marina asked. "It's your choice. Do you want to stay, or go back to being a Nobody?" "I.. I haven't decided..." "Very well then. You have two days..." She woke up, feeling the rain pouring down on her. She... was Xin again. 'Was it a dream?' she thought. The heartless were gone. the only person there was Rei. OOC: I'm going to assume that Xin was unconcious for about an hour. I don't know, lol. Chula-Claire, do you want me to see if I can find a way to do that without $70 software? My sister has a Macintosh, and I use Windows. Or maybe I could just ask my brother or sister, they both went to computer school.
Sora wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't sure if Xadyn was bad, or if he was just neutral, or maybe he was even a good guy. He knew now that they were in fact a group, but didn't seem much like one. He went back to Sunset Station. He might as well take a look around, too. OOC: Xin can use anything around her. And since there's air everywhere, she can use wind, I guess. xD
"Hi." She said. Demyx's cheerful personality annoyed her a bit. "Name's Zuki." She looked up at him. He looked to her like one of those people that are annoying at first, but are actually pretty cool. OOC: I am one of those kind of people. xD And I can seroiously tell people are like that almost immediatly after I meet them.
'Damnit,' she messaged, 'not another intruder... Xangel, whoever it is, send them back to the World That Never Was. This is really tiring...' The heartless surrounding her and Rei were annoying her, too. She closed her eyes, and a strong gust of wind eliminated some of them. ________ "I hope this won't be a problem in the future, either." He said. The pain Max was feeling started to weaken. "You've lost my trust, Max. You're not getting it back. Go back to the castle, now. I'm staying, to see how much damage has actually been done." Sora remembered that forest, and the girl who helped him in front of a castle... Could they be with her? Although Max and the other person didn't seem too friendly with eachother. "Who are you?" He asked Xadyn. "My name is Xadyn." He said, and dismissed his sword. "The Kingdom Key you weld is A powerful weapon. Use it wisely." "Uh, sure?" he replied as he saw Xadyn portal off of the tower. OOC: Sorry about that, I had to get off of the computer for a bit while I was in the middle of typing the post.
Zuki walked to the cafeteria. "I hate being 'the new girl'," She mumbled. "It's so annoying." She didn't know anyone at the school, so she sat down at an empty table.
OOC:No one's on. >.>; And I have last minute homework o.o.
"Sora was not a normal Heartless. Usually, when people become Heartless, they are totally consumed by the Darkness. They forget everything, and all they are able to do is collect hearts. Sora kept control, even as a Heartless." The pain in Max's arm worsened. "You still haven't answered my question. What does this have to do with anything?" Xadyn demanded.
OOC: >.> When will there be an oppertunity for me to come in? xD
If I died, the only ones who would take notice would be my RL friends. Then they'd cry and I wouldn't like it. It's not like anyone knows me on here anyway. =P