u nub u cant hack im hacking u now
u liar of cors it me wo else woud it be?!
that liek totally cant be i am CFF.
^ will be a contributive member of society! =D xD I am gonna be a limo driver? Do they get paid well?
I say HSM cast. God, I hate HSM.
OOC: I'm finally going to post! BIC: Xin simply shook her head 'No', and portalled out of there. Appearing next to Abexecca, she asked, "Hi, are you a new member?"
OOC: You guys don't know much about Vegas... >.> A place Demyx might love: The Adventure Dome Exept around Halloween, when it becomes the Fright Dome. It's supposed to be really scary. There's even a fake beach. At the Mandalay Bay, a hotel.
Another alchoholic.
OOC: Should I give you a screencap? Both of your E-mail adresses are Swordser2. Du- *Must refrain from saying dumbass* Help me.. >.> No, you can't join, seeming as how you already have three times. DestinyStar: =O you can't lose against a n00b! *Gives her back her Riku plushie*
OOC: There's proof in your profile that you are swordser. -.- Will you ever give up? OMG, this whole thing is so funny. LMAO.
ooc: xDDDD OMG, LMAO. *gets a soda and steals popcorn from DestinyStar*
OOC: Today we were allowed to wear our costumes to school, and I still have my tiny bat wings on =3. Even though I'm in regular clothes now. I'll post an IC response when I'm in a mood where I'm able to make a witty comeback to any insult. Otherwise the post will be very crappy, xD Don't ask.
On average, how much sugar do you eat every day? What color hair do you think I have IRL? What brand of shoes are you wearing/did you wear today? Do you know who the guy in my avatar is? >.> How come I could only think up five original questions, when W7FHAX thought up like, 15?
I took a semester of Spanish. Me gusta fiestas! means something to the effect of: I like parties! ...Right? x.x
"You are the new member... Abexecca? I can take you to the castle." he offered. "It is very easy to get lost your first time here."
"Hello there," a calm voice said from the shadows. He stepped out and reavealed himself as a guy who seemed about eighteen or nineteen, with light blue hair and grey eyes that contrasted to the dark forest. "My name is Xadyn. Might you be lost?" OOC: Do you like my avatar? I had to use a gif, unfortuately, but I made it myself. (LMAO, I didn't draw the pic, but I made it blue and stuff.)
OOC: I've got an idea, start out with her walking around lost in the forest around the castle. I'll continue it tomorrow, I'm busy right now. I need to find a box. x.x. It has the recovery disc for my computer in it though.
OOC: Don't forget Xin, she's there too. D=
OOC: >.> xD I don't imagine that happening, though, LMAO.
OOF...*Is glomped again!* Rawr! *Glomps* =D Yay!