Ok, clearly, this looks big (ik nothing about the plot or new pokies, etc.), but what should we expect from this? Judging from the titles, it sounds like it'll be similar to the R/B series, but at the same time, I don't want there to be some kind of underplot, like those ruler pokemon that was mentioned earlier.
*rubs forehead, facepalms* I've got homework starting to pile up a bit with studying and a paper, and above that, a friend of Cam's in Brazil has found a small mass in his brain. They're running a biopsy today to see if it's cancerous.
Just checking. I'm tired and things are a little stressing at my end right now.
*sighs, sits in corner, facepalms* Everyone alright?
Huh. Thought so. Wha hoppened?
The only thing I hope for out of the fourth movie, is for someone to make a new 'remix' of whatever line Mr. Savvy decides to say, so I can have a new reason to have fun with Disney.
Weren't the wedding threads outlawed/banned/whatever, once upon a time?
Tick tick boom! <3
Tell that to my blade. We have email and phone, yeah. I'm looking into what other options we have.
My sword slays demon cheesecake. So there. Yeah...it's just too bad she's going to transfer out next semester. :(
Silly Demi, you're fighting a wolf with spider powers. And a Tsuragi blade. :sly: Yay!
I have spider powers. We're going to try and meet up again in a couple of hours. Yay!
And I'll make sure you stay on the ceiling. :sly: XD
I'll sit on you if you do. B| lol, mine was fun. Got to hang around Cam a lot, and aftwerwards, we went to Dandy's for donuts.
*stops* Okay. Sorry? Ouch.
WAHAHA! 8D Yup. I was surprised to get a strike on my first try, though. :huh:
*flips you onto couch and tickles* Indeed! lol, we got so many gutter balls. I hadn't played since the third grade. XD
It had to be done. :ninjacat: Hey, I'm not complaining. Well, to a certain extent, I am; other guy who came with us made us all look bad with all the strikes he bowled.
*gives noogie* GAAAAAH! Actually, it was more like a double-date, only the other two we went with weren't dating. :huh:
I'm going to have to talk to her to make sure, but I think that was our first date together. x3