It gets stuck in my head so easily. xD
lol, have you seen the vid?
If you really need a laugh: I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it! 8D
lolsauce. xD You. Will. Laugh. XD
Hey, it could have been worse; it could have been though vomit. :B|: Then, this is the movie for you.
Alright, I'll get you out. *goes to find a laxative* Again, it's stupid funny. The Wayans brothers are the two FBI agents.
Yeah, it's not that pretty. xc lol, it's one of those stupid funny movies. Two FBI agents are supposed to escort two Hilton brats, while...
*puts you in water, drinks water* No new ones, anyway; watched the Pirates of the Carribean trilogy last week, and White Chicks a few days ago.
*takes out Kay cubes* Ah. So, seen anything good movies lately?
*puts you in freezer, whistles a tune* So, what's the most dominant religion where you live, out of curiosity? :3
*puts you in mop bucket* Yeah, it looks like it. I guess it's all different where you live, as well.
One can only hope; a lot of the original moderators have left the site, including the ones who helped keep this under control. Idk how the ones...
High school's madatory. Doesn't count.
Oh yeah. I'm not sure why, exactly, it was banned...I guess there were too many issues popping up, or something.
I just don't want another tween fad going on. The series stood out on it's own, and it doesn't need to go down anymore than already might be. I'm not saying they look exactly alike, just that there are similarities...and that they're trying to take over.
Shave off Orlando Bloom's beard and mustache, give Edward a tan and slick his hair back, and there would be some similarities...
...I seriously think Twilight might be trying to take over Disney. Think about it a sec: Elizabether Swan. Bella Swan. ... ... ... ...O_O; OH NOES!
It was, back in the day. You'd have at least 3-4 popping up a day. Today, it's very minor in comparison.
That's possible. I'm surprised the marriage thread thing is going; it was banned from here some time ago...
Yupyup. ^^