Kids... THIS is what happens when you eat to much Spam. Your daily serving sizes should be one tablespoon Total grams of spam: 10grms Saturated spam: 5grms Spam calories: 150grms Cholestoral spam: 20mg Sodium spam: 45mg Total cabrohydrate spam: 5grms Dietry fiber spam: 0grms Sugar spams: 0grms Protein spams: 0grms Look at how much internet spam there is in this stuff. o_0
What I want to know is... which market? The stock market or the supermarket?? Confuzzled.
Spam: Also comes with an unlimited amount of internet spam! :3
My username is a sign of my creativity. I was going to choose EndlessRhapsody but, it didn't go with me. Whenever I read it, it reminds me of my dreams...for some reason.
I HATE MARKET PEOPLE! It sounds like a man...because I don't think women would do that...or would they. Wait... Ichigo is in your avatar... so maybe it was ICHIGO? dun, dun, dun, dun, dun....
I have to go outside and stand there and listen. o_0 And then I walk around and watch the house light up and feel the ground shake beneath my feet.
When I know a thunderstorm is coming, I have to go outside. Do I love lightning or something or am I just attracted the wind and the clouds and the rain, etc?
It's actually a password no one would think of. It's a name of an Native American tribe. XO There's so many you couldn't possibly know which one it is!
Hmmm... I was sitting outside when time trying to stay cool, and I thought I saw a black horse galloping over the hills...o_0...that freaked me out, especially when black feathers seemed to fall behind him.
I feel hawt... because it's warm outside. XD
Hmmm....I'm not sure. I've felt I've sensed ghosts and I've seen glimspes of things, but I'm not sure if it were ghosts or just my imagination. Most of the time these glimspes were when I was thinking intently, but sometimes it wasn't just people, it was sometimes these animals, and I think those were from my imagination. But, it depends...I'm not sure though. It depends on if you believe in them or not...
I'll do the 1,000 posts. My next goal: GET 1,000 POSTS. Thanks, Raito. :)
I put a weird password on my laptop so no one would go through my personal business.
How long with it take me to be a premium member? o_0
My mom is like that. But, I don't mind unless she says something like I'm chatting...and I sometimes want to slap her. She doesn't bother me when I watch Bleach....but my dad is more into my private business. LOL, it's irritating but I've gotten used to it.
Loz PWNED by Tifa. X3
You're confusing. o_0
How did you remember your password?
ichigo Pwns All!
stop Drop And Roll!