There's actually one in my sig right now and I made a thread a while back with a few avatars.
Yeah, I saw the thread. That's pretty sweet; I'll probably be one of your customers. I can't make decent graphics for my life. xD
I'm doing all right, just trying to make a sig. Trying, but most likely not succeeding. xD
xD I could see him doing something like that...or maybe something with kids. He's so good with them. Computer Graphics, hopefully. Heck...
Maybe. ...what kind of cookies?
Hmm...I don't know.
Oh hecks to the yeah. I'm debating.
That they are.
I knew you were going to say that. xDD You know what's funny? He's actually considering the criminal justice field. You should! Then you could...
YAY COOKIES! 8Dcaps lock ftl
Yeah, I'm feeling better.
xDD Hmm...I'll try to remember. Oh, his mom asked me what I thought would be a good career for Mark...I'm still thinking about it. We were...
xDDD I was sick yesterday so I really couldn't eat anything. It was torture. D: A holiday known for big feasts and I couldn't eat.
Ah. How was your Thanksgiving?
Friend's birthday party. I got to see people I haven't seen in a long time, so it was good.
xDD And I would say, "OH YES FEAR THE WRATH OF JAZZY JAZZ" *goes to destroy some country* Yeah, we would talk about random we did...
Tootsie and DPWolf. Still my closest buddies on the site, too.
Ah, okay. I understand. No problem and thanks. Well, I guess "I'm doing good" would've been better. xD Sorry, I'm still tired from a party I went to.
Everything okay? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Just want to let you know I'm praying for you. <3 I'm okay. ^^
Hiiiiii. <3 How are you?