xDDD We're crazy. 8D
Oh, I remember! ....awww. xDD
lol Zarith has one point more than Clouti in my book. xD
See?! xDDblah
xDD Oh...well, I'm going to show you anyway. xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch72g6-H1Fc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMoIJ8cNmwY
O_O You are deprived...D: That game is what made me a HUGE Zarith fan. That is my favorite pairing in the FF series. ...do you mind if I show you...
^Great Song iContact ~ Group 1 Crew
Have you played Crisis Core?
Yay I'm not the only one! 8D ...I guess you can figure it out from that statement. xDD And I'm a huge Zarith fan. <3
Question: Clouti fan or Clourith fan?
Ah, thanks for the tip.
Already getting too much for Christmas. xD Well, my friend has it. I'll probably ste---I mean, borrow it from her.
I wish I could play FFVIII. D:
Same here. xD
That's good. <3
[IMG] Are you doing any better?
Aw, thanks. xD
Wrapped In Your Arms ~ Fireflight
Thank you for the rep. <3 And I'm still thinking about it.
Ah, okay. xD Oh, I forgot to tell you: I love your sig. It's so cool.