"well lets just say that lies have been told ones that suggested i didnt like you guys ok?"larxene said
"ok i'm kind of lacking on things to do so i'll come with you...if thats ok of course"larxene said
"ok then 3.2.1 blast off!"naminé shouted and once again 5 sewconds and they were back at the flower bed "wow that was fun i wonder what would have happened if i engaged the hyper drive oh well i had a half fun night thanks sora"naminé said kissing him sora blushed and he was in a kind of trance and didnt move "um kairi could i talk to you round the corner quickly?"namine asked
all of you but honestly naminé knows exactly when sora revisited atlantica that was his secong time here"larxene said"i wonder if castle oblivion rings any bells hmmmmmm sora? riku?
"well i know how to forgive sora maybe if he lets me drive home"namine said "but -do you even know how to pilot a gummi ship well ok"sora said casting a worried look at roxas "dont worry all aboard"naine said geting the gummi ship started "well i know how to forgive sora maybe if he lets me drive home"namine said "but -do you even know how to pilot a gummi ship well ok"sora said casting a worried look at roxas "dont worry sora the worst that could happen is we end up right in front of malifecent or something any way all aboard"naine said geting the gummi ship started
"surprise good to see you again"
"well i guess we could stay mad until you can do something to stop the madness"namine suggested
"have fun with ariel you two we MIGHT come back in a year or so"naminé said looking suprisingly satisfied "hey you two count me in bye roxas"sora shouted
"actually kairi sora has been here 3 times as your other should kno"larxene said appearing behind kairi
but i am ready
can i have naminé and kairi please
"yeah maybe we can peruade king triton to have a thre person marriage"namine said following kairi "wait!roxas now look what you've done"sora shouted "well i they like ariel so much i say we take the gumm ship and go home without them right kairi?"naminé said growing more angry
roxas i dont think a train hit you i stsnd by what i said though i think we are in castle wait what was it call again oblivious oblivirrater oblivion thats it castle oblivion
"look if you two think that everything here revolves around ariel and we are complete strangers whydont you ditch us and stay down here?"naminé said angrily "um - well uh roxas will tell you"sora said using improvisation
"i dont know what your talking about roxas there is nothing up with anybody unless their name starts with an A and end in a riel put it together and it makes ariel"naminé said in a matter-of-fact tone "and whats up with areil?"sora asked "um well shes to nice towards you and roxas its like we arent here!"
hi ctr hey everybody clicky clicky unless you are under 12 then i do not advise it bu anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3O5uy-MBBk
"arial is so lucky she is a princess or i would so be killing her right now but instead i'll ask her nicely"naminé said swimming over to arial "hey arial could you maybe back off of sora and roxas a bit you know stop hugging them i mean i'm not trying to offend you but the are mine and kairis boyfreinds not yours so i hope i didnt hurt you feelings thanks for listening" naminé said swimming back to kairi "i hope she listened well"naminé said "hey what did naminé just say to you?"sora asked
"yeah i'm fine except sora seems to think that we are pretty much still on the island everything seems to be arial this and arial that isnt it and the way arial came and hugged sora and oh who does sh think she is"naminé said back so only kairi could hear her "so arial has your dad been letting you see prince eric?"sora said swimming along the side of arial
"so is your dad letting you see prince eric much?" "um sora i was under the impression tha we would be doing more than just watching you talk to arial" "oh sorry guys come on lets check out arials trove" "ok sora whatever you say"namine said
"well my girlfreind is naminé but i was actually looking for kairi even though they are pretty much the same person the same with me and roxas right guys?" naminé nodded for some reason she felt really shy since arial just came in and hugged sora