"yeah you should be trying to comfort kairi she had to spend a couple of years with sora and then she had to share her heart with him!" naminé shouted at roxas sora was practicly a living water fall
"if thats what you think then you should get out more roxas i mean i cant beleive you were so cold hearted to riku in the world that never was you just told him to shut up"naminé said to roxas "anyway captain sappy here is fine arent you captain?" sora just cryed even more
"sora are you nuts last time you beat them one at a time but all um 10 now all at once its to risky and if you have to go i'm coming to"larxene said
"ok again now sounds better" naminé said running back seeing sora crying "i'm sorry sora i didnt mean it what i was meant to say was why dont you see ansem first then malifecent and i'm pretty sure i could get all the others surrounded by darkness"naminé said with a big grin sora tryed to say something but just cryed even harder "all right sora i made you something"naminé said putting an origami hat on his head with captain sappy written on it
larxene ran into the the tree house "the organization are having a meeting and they are planning on questioning you guys in the morning"larxene said
"maybe it was because we spyed on them and they found out"sora said as a tear fell dow his face "maybe we should just give them a break... nah that was to fun lets be mean again tomorrow"naminé said with a wide grin on her face
in the distance larxene could here the organization saying "well where do you think that traitor larxene is?" "i dont know but i think maybe sora and the others should know" "so when are going to get them now?" "no we are going to give them a jump in the morning" "oh ok"
when sora and roxas were out of sight naminé said "well that was fun" "roxas what are we going to do?what do you think we did?"sora asked
larxene just walked into a bush and saw a peice of paper that read "organization meeting here at midnight now go away!" "they are everywhere and uh oh its midnight!" larxene ran away from the place of the meeting and decided to hide under the tree that the house was in tree house
"what?"sora said and his keyblade appeared "oh i um thought i saw a heartless" "yeah you probably saw a mirror come on kairi lets go!"naminé said walking away "wait"sora shouted "go and see malifecent to teach you to completely control the darkness"naminé said walking faster
"so i suppose i should better go find some place to stay i guess"larxene(enelara) said and started to walk away it would be to risky to make portals the organization could track them
"of course we're ok you think to little of us"naminé said shaking her head "what that is not true!"sora shouted "see your even shouting at me now i swear your to violent"naminé said shaking her head even more "violent? kairi we're best freinds tell her i'm not angy please"sora pleaded
"because i was standing here the whole tie dodo head"naminé said walking into a tree on purpose "huh what did i walk into?"naminé said trying to copy soras voice "hey that is not funny!"sora shouted
"hi sora"naminé said
"are you sure maybe sora walking into the invisible man made you lose your memories AGAIN"naminé said
naminé looked inside the homeroom "gee its not much of a room is it?"
"ok hang on"naminé said unstopping sora and roxas "hi guys" naminé said smiling "whoa naminé where did you come from?"sora asked confused
"oh ok does anybod know where our first class is yet?"naminé asked
"hi guys what are you doing?"naminé asked
"hey we need to land now"naminé pointed out before they passed their destination