Do I wanna ask?? Oh bye, then, Ian. *waves*
Dang. It's not really that good when Jade's mad @.@
No, actually, I came up with that a loooong time ago, and I was not bored I'll have you know. Don't. Screw. With me.
I'm all right, thanks! If this starts another fight, someone's gonna get a Pink Ninja Penguin shoe to the face. And I'm dead serious. -DP- Anytime!!
No one gets ignored when I'm around, 'cause I talk randomly to anyone and everyone. -DP- That's niiiice! XD
No, it's not, really. You'd probably get eaten if you did. DP will eat you. Well, hello there, Ienzo! How are you?
Yeah, I noticed -_-; iC is here? Where? And being eaten is not good, you know.
Uhm... Okay. Let me revise that then. "How are we all today?" *blinks at HBM* Well, if you wanna be blunt. Nyah, dun keel heem, Ian. Mommee would be angray.
*waves* Hello! How are we all this fine Friday?
...Today is Friday??? Why ish Ian getting ignored?
(Now this is where Macie gets one of her own Pink Ninja Penguin shoes thrown at her for interrupting the conversation) DX;
*points at self* Me? I'm confuzled. (Then this is the part where the random outbursts come back and makes Macie scream "Kawaii!" again) Friggin' things! I thought I keeled them! DX
H-haha, thanks, Ian. *is embarrassed again* ^^ It means "cute" or "adorable".
Awe, foo, you saw me. So much for being a ninja. *pokes back* I'm sorry, I have to say this.. But.. YOU TWO ARE SO KAWAII~!!! :D *stabs outbursts again*
Nothing. I'm just gonna shut up now. Uhm, I can't. Wasn't really invited. Not my place to.
Excuse me for interrupting, but Hallelujah! It's about freakin' time...
I'm 13. I'm turning 14 in October. And I can barely wake up at 6.15 every morning. But there was that time on Spring Break I got up at 2... That was a long day...
Morning guys. What's up? It's about 6.37-ish here.
Uh.. I might tomorrow, but right now I gotta go, 'cause my dad just came home.
Uhmm... Do I wanna ask?