*nervous Sora laugh* Sowwy! ^^;;; You okay? I'm good thanks!
Hey, HisNobody! *tackleglomps* How ish thee today?
Hey, Sorafan! I'm all right, thanks! I'm fine. Well, hello, L!
Ohhh, lucky! I miss my grandmaaa~ Hello, Alex ^^ Hey, Marly! How are you two?
Hi guys *waves* I went to see my grandma!! :D
I luffled it, DKM!!
Ooh, I like it, I like it! Keep going with it, please?
Heh, sure ^^;;
Haha, sure, but I don't think I was that much of a help ^^;;;
Ehh, wikipedia says Ed and Al's mom's name is Trisha.
-Sorafan- Haha, I hope so ^^; -DKM- Uhm, I love the Prince of Tennis!! (Sorry, I know you weren't talking to me >.>)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I made her an anime one last year, and she doesn't know much about it, but she still liked it. (I think) So no worries! And I'm sure your film will be fine, Ian.
Ohhhhh! Well, I bet she will adore it!! ^^ I think I'm gonna send her an e-card too, just for the heck of it.
*nervous Sora laugh* At least it made her laugh. I usually can't do that. (She knew I picked it out though XD) Ah, that's so cool! I bet your mom adored that!
Happy Mother's Day!!! (I gave my mommy a card with ninjas -_-; )
-HisNobody- I agree!
-Sorafan- Yes, I do love that part almost as much as Kadaj's dance part. -HisNobody- She's my second fave, Vincent-dearest being the first XD -Tidus- Okay...
I have Vincent and Edward Elric. They're all I need for now!! ^^ "Sexist! Sexiiiiiiiiiist!" (You've gotta love Yuffie XD)
Thank you, Sorafan! *huggles Vincent plushie* They can't take you away!! ^^
Hello. *le gaspehz* NOT MY PLUSHIES~!!!