*waves* Hey there How is everyone today? I'm uber borededness.
Gah, I sees her too >.>
*waves* *Stuart voice* Goodbye... Ian!
*shifty eyes* Awkward...
Eheh. Maybe? O.O Pooooor, poor Riku...
*nervous Sora laugh* Kinda, but thanks anyway! And of course Teh Conchita can!! *gives brownies (not Sora) to Riku*
Heh, why thank you! ^^ I thought that was a brownie. *smacks Vincent on the arm* Shusheh! It's okayyy! No need to be sowwy!
Oh. There is a significant difference isn't there? Hah, sowwy! [::] <---- That's Ian!
Ian is such a smart cookie! ^^
*shakes head* Yeah, Ian ish a very scary person. Be afraid!
I didn't think she did! Sorafan NEVER cusses! And it doesn't say she edited it.
I don't think Sorafan ever said that, did she?
O.o Oh. *nervous Sora laugh* Scary... Hah, I like in the second one where he started singing 'Simple and Clean' and then when he went, 'Oooh, stairs!' XD Sleep well, Ichigo!
Nyaha, that's what I'm gonna do XD *hides* Agh, I did call you Axel!! Dun hurt meh!!
*falls out of chair* That was very funny, Axel! Nyaha, poor L...
That's good ^^ I won't O.o Hehe, CONCHITA~! Bye, DKM! Sleep well!
Hey, Sorafan! Hi, Alex *hugs* I'm good, thanks, how are you? @.@ I won't ask what's going on here.
Hi guys! *waves* Please don't tell my dad
Yeah, I liked the video too, HisNobody! But I gotsa go. My dad is home @.@
<,< >,> <,> >,< Awkward...