*huggles Ian's chibi mode* I love teh Chibis!! Ask NED >.> *le gaspehz* *mega le gaspehz* *uber mega le gaspehz* Meanie!! (I jokeh. Or am I? I'm not sure...) But why does everyone tell me that?!
*pokehs Sora Lexa* Hi! Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? I'm a carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Gasoline makes me run!! (Random outburst/Dane Cook moment) *stabs outbursts*
-DP- LMAO That's niiiice!! -HisNobody- That's good. And I'm all right, thanks! ^^ I haven't heard of them, Sora Lexa, but I'll look them up!
I'm boreded too. Vincent (Not Vinnie or Vin-Vin XDD) is not entertaining me enough. I'm not here to entertain. Okay, Original Vincent! But I feel like spinning and falling out of my chair. HisNobody!! *tackleglomps* How ish thee?
Hey, DP!! How ish thee? O.O But yes, bus rides home are always fun ^^
Nyahhh~! :p *gets giant poking finger again*
Eh, it's our job. Well, mine at least.
Nice. YAY!! =DDD *points* I sees her too!
BLAHHH What'd I miss?
Well that's still good. Yeah XD Dun ask >.>
That's good you aren't sad anymore!
Hey there, Ienzo!! I'm good, how are you? (Ienzo is meh trombone's name XDDDD) Yeah, I'm bored too. Vinniecent ish no fun *pokes*
*busts down door* Hi guys! What's up? I told you not to have candy. Nyah. *steals claw* I believe this is mine, thank you.
I'll be back in a few, guys! (if anyone cares)
Oiiii! -.- I thought Sorafan and I weren't the only ones anymore!!
Oh, thank you, Riku!! I won't let Vinnie shoot you again!! -NED- XDDDD *points at heem* Go to bed, conchita! (it's like my kupo!!)
*pokes Riku* So like, if I call you 'conchita', you'll like, keel meh? Interesting... *points at Riku* CONCHITA!! *shoots self with Cerberus* I'm annoying. OOH! Do more know?!
*shifty eyes* Yeshh... They stalk and eat us all! *rambles on about conchita* SHAAAAAAAAAME!
...Scaray. I dun think I'd ever wanna read it. (no offense to Avril fans) I like the name conchita! I'm gonna say it nonstop now... Yesh, welcome back to your other accounteh! (My insanity level is pushing its limit >.>)
FTW, hey GodsBoy, how ish thee? -NED- Oh. *shoots Marly*