*throws zombie at sorax* *eats sorax's brain* eeeeewwwww!!!
HEY!! that hurts!! that's it payback time! *aims bazooka and fires at sorax* muahahahaha i'm sephiroth's sister!
1052 - uhhh... crazy tifa, u just did
" awww, come on end already!!!", kairi says to herself while listening to the teacher.
(ooc: pls don't go!!!)
"sora, cloud is gone" kairi said to sora
GIMP sucks - remember that -we are studying GIMP in our computer class for 2 months now and i stll didn't get it PHOTOSHOP much better! - photoshop is much easier
*goes to a corner and cry* *done crying* hmmmmm.... what r da things to do in da house???? *thinks* ehhh.......i've got nothing
PARTY!! PARTY!!! wooT!!!! Woot!!!! :D
*dodges the farmer's shots* hey!!!
"wtf??? zexion where are we?", namine asked zexion (OOC: isn't that godmodding, zexion?)
(OOC: okei. yesterday, i thought this is really gonna be a soap rp. but the fight scenes kicked in. it kinda ruins the moment. oops! i g2g c ya later!)
not being a kiss-up or anything, i have to say ed it out
(OOC: i know, are u gonna make her crazy?)
(ooc: i should've posted stark raving mad than groggy!)
"sora's story - he got hit by a car and when kairi and riku rushed in here the nurse said he is in a coma. Kairi's story - this is a long one, kairi was so stressed when she heard that sora is in a coma. she had a fight w/ riku. 4 hours ago, when roxas just fainted in front of me and the nurse rushed him in the er. kairi didn't move so i left her alone for 5 mins to see if roxas was okay. when i went out of the er i saw kairi having a seizure and again i called some nurses to rush her in the er. she woke up after an hour and was asking where sora is in a groggy manner. after 30 mins of kairi's groggy behavior, roxas woke up and went out of the er. there was 2 new guys, naruto and kakashi. kakashi challenged roxas. he fought kakashi, and i think he got hurt really bad. demyx- he just went in here coz he has a wound in his cheek, i think. and cloud, i don't how he turned into a dog.", namine said to zexion. "and i'm here as a concerned friend just waiting for kairi and sora to wake up.", she added. (ooc: ow my finger hurt from typing this post) (OOC to twi: what's that supposed to mean? hahaha)
who wanna getz married w/ me??? wOOt! wooT!
(OOC: it's okay twi! who knows maybe this can be a main climax or conflict or something like that. i'll just go with the story anyways)
"why should i be in his room?", namine asked zexion while he is scanning the building
(OOC: c ya later twi!) "no, kairi's in there. roxas is in another room, i just dunno where. by the way that dog you just pet is cloud." , namine said to zexion