namine was exploring the whole hospital when she saw tifa talking to axel in roxas's room. she walked in " hey tifa, can i talk to u for a sec, privately.", she said to tifa
okay, now ure tifa
"ahh..... got it!" pat said to mindy
okay, hahannuh ure added!
are they going out again? "advisory..... what the heck is advisory???" pat said to the two
this is my first rp!! if u all don't know what big brother is, read this: Big Brother is a tv reality game show. there is this house where contestants (who doesn't know each other) will live together for 3 months or more (depending on how many the contestants are). there are tasks that will be given to the housmates by bigbrother every week. each week there will be an elimination and nomination between the housmates. the housemates will pick who are nominated for eviction and after 1 week of the nomination night. the housmates are also the ones who will choose who will go out and who will stay. in the end there will only be 4 contestants remaining. the last night at the house will be alloted for determining who wins. the ex-housemates will choose who wins in the big brother house Parts of the house: The confession room: those who will confess to big brother will go inside this room Swimming pool Jacuzzi Mini-gym: a place so u can buff up or get into shape Game Room: contains 6 tvs 1 xbox 360, 1 PS3, 1 Nintendo wii, 1 PS2, 1 xbox and 1 nintendo gamecube. 1 PSP, 1 game boy advance sp and 1 nintendo DS and all the games that you'll need!!!!! Dining Room: a place where you eat Kitchen: a place to cook 2 bathrooms: 1 for the guys and 1 for the gals 2 Bedrooms: 1 for the guys and 1 for the gals too Music Room: a room where all the musical instruments that u need r here!! Stock Room: all of ure supplies r here! (i'm gonna be the one who's gonna stock up this room!) Garden Living Room: where the sofas are, a wide screen tv w/ dolby digital surround sound, a dvd player and all the dvds u wanna watch!!!! Billiards room: it has a billiards table (complete set), beanbag chairs and a sofa!!! Changing room: 1 for the guys and 1 for the gals. this is the place where u are gonna change your clothes (so no nakey-nakey, okay!!) Rules: no one will go out of the house except for those who will be evicted pg-13 romance Yaois and yuris are accepted! Have fun!!!! Big Brother: twilightsown we are looking for 12 contestants sora-Luster Dragon kairi- cloudfinalfantasy riku-rena88 roxas-Sorax namine-Rouge Angel92 axel-XxAxelEightxX tifa- hahannuh demyx- Axel Dimetrix BladeHeart- Dimetrix Xemnas- SoRaXKaIRi DiZ- christhor's_dead_brother King Mickey- VideoGameNerd246 Note: There will be no special treatment for King Mickey THE CONTESTANTS ARE NOW COMPLETE!!!!! NOTE: I'LL PM U GUYS IF WE'RE ABOUT TO START!!!
"what's the first period again?" pat said to the two
yay! *plays guitar*
" hey! no fair, ditchers! wait up!" pat said catching up w/ the two
"upstairs, got it! well at least david had a job. i was stuck at my house the whole summer."
"yeah. what's the first cl*** again?"
(ooc: oops sorry! :D) "i stayed at home and watched tv all summer. pretty boring huh."
"oh you know same old, same old. hey rena wat did u do dis summer?"
(OOC: does that mean i have to be a bully?)
"nice to meet you, my name's pat.", pat said to hannah. "so ure new to this school.... relax, don't be nervous" she said after seeing hannah nervous
"hey, new girl!", pat said to hannah
pat sees mindy and david walk in the cl***room. "hey guys!" she said to them (OOC: i'll be a senior, if you don't mind.)
hey twi can i be a flower girl or a guitarist???
here's another one: setting: time: Oct 31, 2006 1-4 am place: our grandma's house (NOTE: me and my cousins r d only ones who are awake at that time) me and my cousins, jasmine, roi and danny (not their real names), were still up at 1 am in our aunt's room. roi was playing nfsu 2 at my ps2. jasmine was talking to her boyfriend via phone. me and danny were watching roi play. we suggested that we cook friend rice (btw, fried rice is always our midnight snack). so being the eldest cousins, roi and jasmine, they were the one who is suggesting to cook for 2 hours. while danny and i were watching him play, i suddenly heard footsteps outside the room (NOTE: when someone is walking outside the room we can feel if someone is there bcoz the floor is made out of wood, we all have heavy feet and the house is really old) . maybe its just auntie or uncle, i said to myself. trying not to scare my other cousins i just stayed quiet. when suddenly... (note: there are 2 phones 1 downstairs and 1 upstairs. we are on the 2nd floor) jasmine: hey guys, someone is playing w/ the phone. me: wat do u mean by that? jasmine: someone is pushing the telephone buttons downstairs danny: what? roi: maybe its just uncle tom jasmine: no.... its not. the phone is not lifted and again i heard the footsteps, trying to forget everything we went downstairs to cook our midnight snack. to get out the heavy feelings we have, we started to make a video using my cell. its all about how to make fried rice jasmine: come on let's cook! we finished cooking and ate our rice we went upstairs and there we continued what we were doing. jasmine is talking to her bf again. roi is playing nfsu2 and me and danny were watching the two. again i heard the footsteps. me: hey danny, did you hear that? danny: heard what? me: the footsteps. danny: yeah i heard it. jasmine: guys, someone's playing w/ the phone again. me: huh?? that's impossible, i said to myself suddenly the phone hang up jasmine: $#!t! danny: what's wrong? jasmine: the line is cut phone rings again jasmine: honey, were u the one who hang up? what??? u didn't hang up! let's talk later. me: what's wrong? jasmine: i'm scared! he wasn't the one who hang up! roi: come on let's watch the vid! we were watching the vid when roi saw something behind me in the vid! at exactly 8 mins and 41 seconds we paused the video. and there we saw it a boy and a girl (whose faces are blurry) in the vid!! all of us: OMG!!!! danny: u know guys, while we were eating a while ago. i keep hearing someone was coming down on the stairs. but no one's there me: wat? that's impossible! we were all freaked out by the whole incident so we slept immediately after viewing the whole video. that vid is still in my phone -this is probably my longest post ever!!!
1054- nope u have to post 1055 words! hehehe just kidding