^*eats boredom* whee i'm freee!!!
mahal kita -pilipino
elbow: hjyiokikio_klakirftkki ^hard nose: hikki_kizzaiuri ^easy
"yay!" kairi said happily "when do u think the 1st class'll start?" , she asked
"hahahaha! it was soooo fun! tanning at the beach, going to the mall, u know girl stuff!" kairi said to demyx "can i call u demy" she asked
i definitely like u cuz ure cool!!! who doesn't like u??
"so....... did u do anything this summer?" kairi said
"heh heh! when did u get here?" kairi said
888- bored!!
"fine. how's ure summer? made any songs lately??" kairi said to demyx
"lemme go marluxia!!!" kairi said to marluxia
kairi went to sora and the others too. she noticed demyx "oh, hey there demyx!"
Kairi entered the hero's academy and sees axel, arlene and braig talking to sora orgy members??? oh well, the more classmates the merrier!!!!. She went to sora "hey sora! oh hey Braig, what's up?"
864- i don't know, maybe 2-3 weeks
Larxene went to kairi and namine "hey guys! what's up?", she said to the two.