Lilly didn't like the uncomforatble silence. " Matt what is going on?" She whispered.
Lilly raised an eyebrow, what was with his voice?
Lament started to head back to her home no knowing it was under attack.
Lilly stood up and walked over to him, then sat down. " Matt?" She asked softly.
Lilly opened one eye to look at him. Then she opened both. " W..what are you doing?" She asked quietly. OOC: I gtg sorry bye
" Alright fine. I'll get some sleep." Lilly said once she was finished healing herself. She gently laid her head agianst the wall and closed her eyes.
" Then get some sleep." Lilly said softly, as she continued to heal her foot.
Lilly suddenly relized her foot was throbbing. She slowly took off the bandage and started to heal it.
Lilly sighed again and went to go sit in the corner of the room. She leaned up against the walls and pulled he knees up to her chin.
" What are you doing?" Lilly asked putting her hands on her hips.
Lilly sighed. " Oh well." She said.
" NO! I didn't mean it that way! I mean is, ' oh yes does that mean I don't have to be stuck with matt and Lin finaly gets a chance to have some quility time with him'." Lilly said trying to cover up what she had said.
" Oh yes! Does that mean I don't have to be stuck with Matt?" Lilly asked looking surprisingly happy.
Lilly rolled her eyes. " Of course." She mumbled.
" It's ok Lin it will be over soon." Lilly said.
Lilly looked up at John, " Is anyway you could make this go any faster? Unless you want him to get sick." She said.
Lilly chuckled and focused her attention back to Lin.
" I heard that!" Lilly said.
Lilly rolled her eyes. " Don't listen to him Lin. He's just trying to scare you. But if I could make a suggestion. If you get sick. Get sick on Matt."
Lilly punched Matt, hard. " SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!!!" She yelled.