Lilly kept running.
OOC: Yeah i gtg too bye
Lilly nodded.
" Thank you." She said.
Lament was home making more potions.
" SHUT UP!!" Lilly yelled.
" No!!" Lilly said.
She nodded and started heading home.
Lament looked at Yrev. " Um thanks again." She said.
Lilly rolled her eyes. " You guys assume too much."
" But we're just friends." Lilly said.
" What does everyone think Matt and I are a couple?" Lilly asked.
Lament nodded and started to stand up. " Thanks for savin my butt." She said.
" What are you talking about?" Lilly asked.
" Oh shut up." Lilly said to Rob.
She gasped when he kicked her the breath completely being knocked out of her.
She didn't see him comming but just barley missed his attack by dodge rolling.
Lilly soon caught up with Rob. " Need any help?" She asked.
Lament jumped back to get out of his range of attack. She tried to think up a strategy and which potions and spells to use.
Lament used one of the roots to defend herself.